Tim M0URX is awarded the “G5RP Trophy”……
Hf Convention report by G1VDP Chris (Thanks Chris for writing this report! I am so busy with QSL cards today)
A group of us went to this event for the 3rd year running – hopefully next year all of us will be there – and boy what a weekend!
Group members who were there were Tim M0URX, Charles M0OXO, Oliver MW3SDO and Chris G1VDP. Along with these guys were some close friends and future guest operators Mack M0CUS and Nigel.
The weekend Started with Oli driving from his home on Friday night arriving at my house around 21:30. A bity of a natter and then we got settled down ready to be up and on road for 06:15 next morning. As it was the 3rd year it was my turn to drive, so we set off to pick Tim and Mack up. Arriving at the venue about 08:00.
It was then sign in and plan the day. Plenty of talks on Dxpeditions to attend, meet old friends, make new ones and have fun.
The first talk we attended was about the ARRL LOTW (Logbook Of The World) and how to get the best use out of it.
We then all checked the programme and went into the ones we fancied. I decided to have a mingle and chat with the CDXC guys, Martin Lynch and the guys from Icom UK. I also handed in my QSL cards for DXCC checking and managed to have a chat with a few people over cups of coffee and tea. Oli during the afternoon sat his intermediate exam, with the Advanced exam to be taken on Sunday, so by the time we go to CQWW this year Oli will be a M0*** at last. He passed the intermediate I am happy to report so time for us all to relax and enjoy the day.
Saturday went quickly and it was then time for the meal and drinks. Showered and meet in the bar, a couple of cold ones, a chat and then in for the meal. It was during the evenings proceedings that we had a huge surprise. Colin the RSGB president stood up to do the usual Presidential address, and his first task was to announce that years winner of the RSGB G5RP plate for greatest progress in the DX field made by an RSGB member resident in the UK during the year.
Which is where the surprise came in. Tim M0URX was the winner. No one had told him, or any of us in our team. So Tim went up to cheers and applause to collect his silver platter. Congratulations Tim on this fantastic achievement.
More trophies and it was then time to retire to the bar for a few more beers with friends old and new. Thankfully the bar at Wyboston lakes closes at 12:00 so we are then forced to go to bed. But while it was open the beer flowed, the socialising went on, tips were swapped, legs pulled and stories told. DXers are very much like fishermen where they both have stories of the ones that got away. Thanks to all the guys who were in the bar, for your excellent company, for the hints on how we can beat you all in the contests, and most of all thanks for the drinks! My head was pounding Sunday morning when I got up.
When we got up on Sunday morning both Tim and I had hangovers, Mac and Oli were pretty clear headed. Tim stayed in his room a little longer than the rest of us who went and had a good hearty breakfast. Oli then went and sat his advanced exam, Mack sat chatting to some more new friends, Jerry LA0HK,
and Charles and the boys from the night before. I went to get Tim for the lectures, where a simple but common mistake was made. I knocked on Tims door, and walked next door to my room, Tim came out of his door forgetting that it would shut and lock behind him! OOOPPSSS. A walk down to reception by me to get him the spare key and we got him back in there. A good job you were dressed Tim. I then went into my room and got the camera and ready for the lectures I wanted to visit that day.
Oli came out of his exam, but no results. It is now a await for the marking to take place and then for him to get his advanced licence. We are all confident he has passed, but as everyone else Oli is unsure within himself. More chat over tea and coffeee then in to the lectures and the closing ceremony and raffle draw, before heading home.
The venue where all this takes place is Wyboston Lakes, Next to the A1 at St Neots. Easily accessible from all over the country. We will all be there next year, so do say hello if you are too and make yourself known – best way is in the bar and just say “Chris, what you drinking?”
Chris Colclough G1VDP