Bureau QSL Request

Dealing with thousands of Bureau QSLs each year can become quite hard work when a large shoe box arrives every couple of months. So i much prefer to receive Email QSL Bureau Requests, this way i can process 10  – 20 emails much easier without disrupting my normal daily routine. I have tried several methods so far and have finally adopted a dedicated email address [email protected]  to deal with this job and i use Zimbra email application which seems to cope with the unusual email addresses without spamming them to filters.

Or just click on Contact M0URX in the Menu and you will see a email message board to send the request to me.

In future I (well Oliver my IT engineer 😉  will be setting up a Bureau QSL request form on this site to do away with the sender sending me unnecessary QSL cards that are not required for DXpeditions. This will not only speed up your Bureau cards but also cut my Bureau costs by half.

QSL cards hit your letter box

Thanks for those of you that contacted me to let me know that the QSL cards I posted have already hit your letter box. For those of you outside Europe the cards should arrive tomorrow.
I plan to send the Bureau cards this weekend.
Band conditions here in Coventry are pretty dire this afternoon. A usually easy path to Ascension Island is hard going for ZD8LP this afternoon. I have been trying to listen for Bob on 12m but nothing at all here. So far i have logged Bob on 15m, 17m & 20m so far.
ZS6DXB Rhynhardt has been coming through strong on 20m the last couple of evenings.

I have a new email address for Bureau QSL requesting… it is [email protected] I am using Zimbra for my email application and it should be more reliable and not send half the emails to spam like the BT spam filter does.

RSGB HF Convention 2008


The 2008 RSGB HF Convention is to be held once again at the Wyboston Lakes Conference Cetnre on the 10 – 12 October 2008.
This is one event that i do try to attend every year. The lecture streams are excellent with talks on DX’peditions, contesting and more technical subjects like Transceiver performance and antenna projects.

For more information go to: http://www.rsgb.org/hfc/ 
If you do go… you are sure to see me at the bar at some point. Join me for a chat!

HF Field Day (Click for full story)

Last weekend was the RSGB HF Field Day, I joined some friends at the Double X-Ray Pile Up Club i will let Callum M0MCX tell you all about it…….

“M0XXT/P had our second outing to SSB Field Day, running in the open section again with an A3S at 10 meters and a fan dipole for 40/80m at 60 feet with a delta loop for spotting. This year, we used our new 1000 foot ASL Cotswolds
QTH. At the controls we had myself (M0MCX), Lee (G0MTN), James (M3YOM) Tim M0URX) and Terry (G4MKP).”…… Read More

Africa QSL cards go out and OY4TN active on 20m


Africa QSL cards go out and OY4TN active on 20m

On the 8th September all 3DA0OK, C91XO ZS6/GM3OOK and 9M6DXX/P direct QSL cards were posted out by priority Air Mail. Bureau cards will be sent very soon.  

Thank you to Oliver MW0JRX for helping me get this site “Live” today. We have a lot of work to do on construction of various aspects of the site so please visit regularly and see how the site develops as time goes by. 

Great to hear Trygvi tonight on 14.224 MHz OY4TN is one of the stations that i manage QSL cards for. Trygvi will email me his log later tonight and i will update the log onto LoTW.
Trygvi has been very active just lately especially on 2m EME where he has recently made the first ever OY – JA and ZS QSOs Via EME. 

 If you are looking for a nice site for DX news and gossip i have to say that “DX World of Ham Radio” 

http://www.dx-world.net/ is a site worth adding to your favourites. Edited by Col McGowan MM0NDX with the rich pickings of DX News.