TX5S Clipperton Island DXpedition (NA-011)

For Immediate Release Press Release #3 May 23, 2023
TX5S Clipperton Island DXpedition (NA-011)  January 18 – February 1, 2024

Fundraising: Our fundraising campaign is underway with 18 Clubs / Foundations and 87 individuals already showing their support for the project.

At 24% of the target, we have a long way to go in order to reach the goal of 50% team member funding of the estimated project cost of $350,000(USD). If you need Clipperton for an ATNO, or will work us, we would appreciate your help, most bills must be paid before we sail.

Many of the current individual donors and organizations have supported our previous DXpeditions whether they needed the entity or not. We appreciate their confidence in our team, and invite others to sign on.

We wish to thank the most recent organizations for their sponsorship. We also appreciate the individual donors who have donated through the website and/or directly.

o Southwest Ohio DX Association 
o Southeastern DX Club
o National Capital DX Association
o Mile High DX Association
o Bullitt Amateur Radio Society
o The Intrepid DX Group
o The Swiss DX Foundation
o The Hoosier DX and Contest Club

TX5S JA Website: We want to thank our partners in Japan for creating a dedicated JA website for the TX5S DXpedition project, and representing the project in Japan (http://ict-kuwa.net/tx5s/index.htm):

o Hiro JA4DND, Project Manager
o Seiji JK1KSB, Public Relations
o Karl JA4BUA, I/T, Website
o Joe JJ3PRT, Pilot, Fundraising

Joining the Team: Paul Ewing N6PSE needs no introduction. Many of you will know Paul from his DXpeditions to rare entities, including: YI9PSE Iraq, ST0R Republic of South Sudan, 3D2R Rotuma Island, ET3AA Ethiopia, 7O6T Yemen, 3D2C Conway Reef, XZ1J Myanmar, E30FB Eretria, VP8STI South Sandwich and VP8SGI South Georgia Islands. Paul brings years of DXpedition DX experience to the team.

Band / Mode Additions: Satellite: Look for TX5S from Clipperton Island on the satellites. We’re in the process of sourcing the necessary equipment.

6m EME:  With the help of Lance, W7GJ, we’ve added 6m EME to the Clipperton project plan.

Joining the team are three French citizens each who have interest in Clipperton Island:

– Anthony Tchékémian and Patrick Leleu are scientists who will conduct research while on the island.
– Jean-Francois Beaulieu is with the “Association la Passion-Clipperton”, an organization dedicated to improving and preserving Clipperton Island’s environment.
Ham Radio Friedrichshafen, Germany: Several TX5S team members will attend this world class event, we look forward to meeting many DXers.

Groups.io We will again have a Groups.io presence during the DXpedition. Registered users will be able to communicate directly with the pilot team using the Groups.io platform. The address will be announced before we sail.

Social Media: You can follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tx5s2024

Additional details will be released as they develop. Website: https://TX5S.net Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tx5s2024 Please direct your questions to: info@pdxg.net

73, Clipperton 2024 Team

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Tim Beaumont