What is Express LoTW?

What is Express LoTW? – Express LoTW is used by DXpeditions and log management by the QSL manager.

Okay, let’s make this perfectly clear! Express LoTW is for those who do not want a QSL card, but do want the LoTW upload before the long wait that DXpeditions may impose on LoTW uploads & also want to help the DX Team!
It really is quite that simple. This was a tool that has been requested by a lot of DX’ers and if it does not meet your needs IGNORE it. If you do not want Express LoTW wait until the log is uploaded in full. 

Express LoTW” – NO QSL This option should only be used if you DO NOT want a QSL.
“Express LoTW + Bureau QSL” = LoTW + Bureau QSL
“Direct QSL + Express LoTW” = Direct QSL + LoTW

We also use the standard LoTW feature to upload Non DXpedition call signs up to LoTW as soon as they are uploaded to OQRS.
Express LoTW is also the tool that we use for “Donor Management from Excel” the pre DXpedition donations file, the tool uploads to LoTW each day of the DXpedition.

It is important that we are clear when the LoTW is uploaded. So the above direction can leave you in no doubt. All NON DXpedition call signs are uploaded to LoTW as soon as i get the log. So for those of you that choose to misunderstand then carry on fellas!

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Tim Beaumont