Archive - November 2011

4W6A In The Post!


Since I returned home from the 4W6A Timor-Leste DXpedition work has continued, to process 14,000 QSO’s through the log for QSL both Direct and through the Bureau. I am pleased to say that 2,810 direct letters will be posted on Monday 28th November also packages of QSL cards to our sponsors for members of GDXF, SDXF and DDXG.

Please remember that there are some QSO’s lost between 17- 19 September. this was due to logging software bug. We are sorry if you have been affected. PLEASE check the log before you send or request the 4W6A QSL. 

1,804 Bureau QSL cards have been posted also, including:
Germany   175 QSL cards.
Italy          140 QSL cards.
Japan        536 QSL cards.
Russia      350 QSL cards.
Spain        157 QSL cards.
Ukraine     200 QSL cards.
USA         200 QSL cards.

New UV-Varnish QSL for DXpeditions & Contest Teams


Here at the United Radio QSL Bureau we are proud to send out the highest quality QSL cards we can find. This doesn’t just happen, it takes years of working together with QSL card designers and printers that are dedicated in providing me with the card quality I need to do my job as QSL manager for my clients, and for you the DX’er. 

Some high volume QSL card runs for DXpeditions and Contests Stations can be extremely expensive when you are talking about tens of thousands of cards. So i am proud to present a QSL card for the DXpedition and Contest Teams. 

Max ON5UR Print Services has now developed the perfect High Quality Full Colour front and back QSL using 300gr card with UV-varnish front. Free design with no hidden costs 

  5,000 cards €210  
10,000 cards €360   Wow!

Plus shipping costs

Ask for samples & shipping costs and more information to

In my next mailing next week i will be sending out 3,000 promo cards (image left) made from the new UV-varnish card. Hope you like them!

Order yours NOW! ON5UR QSL Print Services 

4W6A QSL Design


I am proud to be able to present to you the design of the four sided QSL card of the recent 4W6A DXpedition of Timor-Leste  OC-232.

4W6A DXpedition maybe over, but work continues to ensure that the QSL requests are processed. Currently over 33% of the log has now been processed for QSL either direct or bureau. Max ON5UR has now designed the QSL card that will be sent to all direct requests. Bureau requests will receive a two sided QSL card.

The QSL card shows the team in front of the 4W6A shack. On the back of the QSL card, team member Oliver stands on the beach front with the antennas behind him. Inside is the photo of the G3TXQ Broadband Hexbeam by MW0JZE at sunrise on Atauro Island.
QSL cards are expected to be posted out towards the end of November.


Logging Failure: There are some QSO’s lost between 17- 19 September. this was due to logging software bug. We are sorry if you have been affected. PLEASE check the log on Club Log before you send or request the QSL. Missing QSOs will not be confirmed on QSL.

Log Book Control: Please make sure that when you request ANY QSL card that you mark your log as QSL SENT either Bureau Direct or OQRS. This is very important, i am receiving many QSL requests for direct using OQRS and PayPal, then a Bureau request and then 3 weeks later I receive for the same QSOs a letter with $2. This is not only a waste of your money but also delays my work in getting QSL cards out. Please control your logs. Thanks.