Archive - March 2024

Not in log?

I really need your co-operation on this. Please DO NOT email me about Busted / Missing Calls. On OQRS Log search there is a blue button  for NOT IN LOG inquiries. This sends a ticket to the QSL Managers work queue & because it is integrated into OQRS the ticket sends me straight to the section of log i need to search.. These will be dealt with as soon as possible. 

Emails will be deleted. Do not send files, screen shots logs or anything like that by email unless asked to do so. I cannot stress enough it is pointless sending me a busted call email as i will send you to OQRS.
I will answer emails about LoTW, so long as you have checked your LoTW account first!! Thank you!

Spain Bureau Parcel Return

Unfortunately we have been unable to get the latest Bureau parcel to Spain URE. Spanish customs have returned the parcel as “Missing Customs Declaration” despite the declaration being right next to the return label. Bureau system is in crisis!

We cannot guarantee the Bureau route. If you need a QSL – REQUEST DIRECT. This is happening all too often now and I reported the problems to IARU as long ago as 2017 that this was going to happen with the World Customs Organisation new regulations. Sadly there is nothing we can do. Is it time now to stop Bureau requests? Because i see no other way forward.

Not allowed to send as GIFT, Not allowed to send as DOCUMENTS. Must have value but how do you value something with no value and how do you provide an invoice if the recipient (The IARU Bureau) did not pay for a product? Complete FARCE.

We are currently discussing with URE. Re-posted to Spain 13/03/2024

LoTW Uploading

I can’t even guess how many emails I get every day concerning LoTW upload problems. “Why haven’t you uploaded my LoTW?” “Been waiting still nothing” Nearly ALL of the problems are caused by those of you who think that just because their logging software uploads every QSO one at a time, that it actually does! Reality check here guys, it doesn’t always work.
I strongly recommend that you DO NOT upload one QSO at a time from your logging software but maybe upload once a week, and actually go into your LoTW account and look to see has it uploaded? Or has it failed?
If you find that you are in a position where your LoTW QSO’s  are missing, BEFORE you come shouting at me blaming me, go into your LoTW account and LOOK, search for the missing Qs. Check your side please before wasting my time. I am always here to help those who genuinely do not know what or where to look, they are the only emails I want to see okay? Thank you.

J38R Grenada

Preparations are ongoing and well underway for a March 4-16, 2024 DX-pedition to Grenada J38R. The group has expanded and as such we have secured a second house / QTH at the ocean in Sauteurs to accommodate more operators. We will be active with three high power stations and one for FT8-RTTY from 10-160m. For the lowbands we have RX antennas.

We will miss the expertise and company of our good friend Ghis ON5NT, who had to reschedule due to a newly emerged priority. Other experienced operators DX-peditioners stepped in and the group now comprises: ON4HIL, ON4MA, ON5RA, ON5TN, ON6CC and ON7RU

We can say with great pride that we have formed a team of operators who have experience in all aspects of managing a DX-pedition. Most of us have already successfully completed several DX-peditions. We will do our very best in trying to get everyone in the log, on as many bands and modes as possible. As Grenada is high on the “wishlist” as far as the lower bands are concerned, we will be QRV on 80m & 160m as well, but we will also give the newcomers the chance to work us as an “ATNO”. If a good internet connection allows, we will be able to offer “Club Log llive stream” so you can immediately check whether you are in the log or not. If this is not possible, we will upload the log at least on a daily basis. If you are not in the log, please try again!

Callsign has been assigned by NTRC.