Category - Bureau Posting News

Bureau Mailing February 2024

QSL cards have been posted to World Bureaus – Friday 23rd February 2024.
This mailing is a joint mailing between M0OXO Charles & M0URX Tim. (also thanks W3KX Jack & G1VDP Chris)
I would very much appreciate feedback from you when the QSL cards start arriving at World Bureaus or received by hams around the world?
Delays are due to issues caused by the World Customs Organisation regulations. Please remember that with the new customs tax we cannot guarantee that the parcels will get through to your bureau. We now suggest sending only direct QSL route. All bureau requests are at your own risk.
The parcels are sent by Priority Business Mail to get to the Bureaus quickly.

Total amount of QSL cards dispatched: 19,584
Via M0URX 4,887, Via M0OXO 14,697.
Total Weight: 91.586 kg gross weight
Total Shipping Cost £478.60: £5.22per kg. (91.586 kg gross weight)
Average postage cost 3p per QSL card. Dispatch listed below in grams to each destination.
The below volumes are measured in grams per parcel,

UK United Kingdom 3,020
Andorra 7
Austria 2,400
Belgium 1,400
Bosnia 48
Bulgaria 373
Croatia 685
Cyprus 7
Czech Republic 1,590
Denmark 145
Estonia 92
Finland 700
France 2,440
Germany 17,000
Greece 390
Hungary 1063
Italy 5,690
Ireland 319
Latvia 76
Netherlands 2,260
Norway 328
Poland 2,440
Portugal 309
Romania 269
Slovenia 530
Spain 3,330
Sweden 1,010

R.O.W Andorra ROW
Argentina 387
Australia 238
Belarus 40
Bosnia Herzegovina
Brazil 207
Canada 555
Chile 12
China 343
Costa Rica
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Faroe Islands
Falkland Islands
Hong Kong
India 13
Indonesia 295
Israel 88
Japan 14,160
Kazakhstan 73
Kuwait 13
Liechtenstein 9
Lithuania 205
Luxembourg 210
Macedonia 21
Malaysia 10
Mexico 36
Moldova 7
New Caledonia
New Zealand 44
Panama 8
Qatar 6
Russian Fed 1,310
Saudi Arabia
Serbia 254
Singapore 10
South Africa 29
South Korea 332
Sri Lanka
Switzerland 600
Taiwan 28
Thailand 98
Turkey 11
United Arab Emirates
Ukraine 895
Uruguay 8
Venezuela 7

USA W0, W1, W2 W3, W4, WW4 W5, W6, W7, W8, W9 4,990g

Bureau Mailing October 2022

QSL cards have been posted to 82 World Bureaus – Monday 24th October 2022
This mailing is a joint mailing between M0OXO Charles & M0URX Tim. (also thanks K3ZO Fred)
I would very much appreciate feedback from you when the QSL cards start arriving at World Bureaus or received by hams around the world? 

This mailing had been delayed due to Covid-19 restrictions. Also due to issues caused by the World Customs Organisation regulations.

The parcels are sent by Priority Business Mail to get to the Bureaus quickly.

Total amount of QSL cards dispatched: 16,607 
Via M0URX 9,476,  Via M0OXO 7,131. 
,Total Weight: 67240g
Total Shipping Cost: £355.59 – £5.29 per kg. (gross weight)

Average postage cost 2.14p per QSL card. Dispatch listed below in grams to each destination.
The below volumes are measured in grams per parcel

UK United Kingdom   1650
Europe Austria  1000
Belgium  2020
Bulgaria  193
Croatia  530
Czech Republic  1190
Denmark  260
Estonia 46
Finland  52
France 11860
Germany  14,000
Greece  330
Hungary  355
Italy 5,544
Ireland  83
Latvia  63
Netherlands   2400
Malta  7
Norway  335
Poland  2,020
Portugal  275
Romania  200
Slovenia   295
Slovakia  375
Spain  2970
Sweden  900

R.O.W Andorra  ROW
Argentina   350
Australia   235
Belarus  62
Bosnia Herzegovina  71
Brazil  156
Canada 530
Chile 23
China  145
Colombia  11
Costa Rica 
Cuba  81
Dominican Republic  10
Ecuador 20
El Salvador
Faroe Islands 
Falkland Islands 
Hong Kong  14
Iceland  7
India  29
Indonesia  50
Israel  50
Japan 14,990
Kazakhstan  11
Kuwait 20
Liechtenstein  7
Lithuania  126
Luxembourg   135
Macedonia 17
Malaysia 14
Mexico  10
Moldova  20
New Caledonia
New Zealand 43
Panama  15
Peru    8
Philippines  17
Russian Fed 2410
Saudi Arabia
Serbia  345
South Africa 26
South Korea  305
Sri Lanka
Switzerland  665
Taiwan  17
Thailand 60
Turkey  250
United Arab Emirates
Ukraine  695
Venezuela  190
Fiji 23

USA W0, W1, W2 W3, W4, WW4 W5, W6, W7, W8, W9 5,550
WP3  26
WL7 24
WH6  46

Bureau In October 2022

700 Bureau cards received from RSGB 07/10/2022. Processed for next dispatch. 

Please use OQRS only! – Sending us bureau cards wastes time, money and labour. Please USE OQRS only. Thank you

Bureau In July 2022

2,200 Bureau cards received from RSGB 13/07/2022.

Please use OQRS only! – Sending us bureau cards wastes time, money and labour. Please USE OQRS only. Thank you

Undeliverable Bureau cards

As we have reported previously there are some Bureau parcels that remain undelivered which is why we cannot guarantee ANY bureau QSLs requested. We strongly advise that you always use OQRS Direct.
Let me go through some of the problems that continue:

Argentina QSL Bureau – Parcels get returned almost every time endorsed “not collected”. Despite sending these again and again we cannot get these to Argentina Bureau.
Brazil QSL Bureau – Despite some parcels getting through. The address alone is not sufficient for getting through customs. IARU will not provide correct information on its website. Brazil customs return most parcels without Pre-Electronic Delivery Advice. Package returned 6 times, One package got through.
Cuba QSL Bureau – For the past 5 years at least, Cuba Bureau packages have been returned uncollected from the PO Box. We can only assume that the Cuba Bureau is no longer functional.
Portugal QSL Bureau – July package was returned endorsed “Non-reclaimed” We are now in communication by email to REP. Package to be reposted!
Sweden QSL Bureau – July parcel was returned. Insufficient documentation. Swedish Customs now will NOT accept any parcels that do not have Pre-Electronic Delivery Advice. IARU does not provide the complete information. Sweden Bureau cannot be supported until full data is provided to us.
Turkey QSL Bureau – July parcel was returned. Insufficient documentation. Turkish Customs now will NOT accept any parcels that do not have Pre-Electronic Delivery Advice. IARU does not provide the complete information. Turkish Bureau cannot be supported until full data is provided to us. Package returned twice. 

We have reported the issues with the lack of data for the Pre-electronic delivery advice to IARU many times since 2017 and repeatedly told that they consider that putting this data on the IARU website contravenes GDPR regulations. However, without it the Bureaus will cease to function. There are many other Bureau packages that have been returned due to Covid restrictions or non-collection or other reasons that we have been able to resend and eventually arrived at the destination Bureau. To continue re-sending the Bureau packages costs more money. 

If you are in one of the above countries and requested Bureau cards, we suggest that you request Via Direct using OQRS only as we are unable to get the cards to your Bureau. If any of you have connections with those Bureaus listed above, we would like to engage in discussions to allow re delivery. But if Bureaus and the IARU continue to bury their head in the sand to ignore the new worldwide Pre-Electronic Delivery Advice customs regulations it will be catastrophic for the Bureau system.

Incoming Bureau September 2021

3,200 Incoming Bureau cards arrived from the RSGB Bureau on September 24th 2021.
Cards sorted and processed through OQRS as of today 4th October. You know! You do not need to send Bureau cards for DXpeditions or rare DX. Just use OQRS. You can get your bureau cards 2 years quicker that way!

Brazil – The parcel sent in March to Brazil QSL Bureau was returned for the 7th time. Unable to deliver to Brazil QSL Bureau.
Croatia – Parcel returned uncollected from July. Posted back to the Croatia Bureau 05/10/2021.


Two Bureau packages have been re-posted to Turkey and Belarus after they were returned from their respective Customs for no “Pre-Advice Electronic Data” The IARU are reluctant to provide the data we need to send Bureau parcels because the IARU believe that this data contravenes GDPR regulations.

Since posting these again the Turkey QSL Bureau was again returned by customs. Sorry TA hams… This is a problem that only IARU can sort out. 

There are many countries now that do not allow any import of packages that do not have Pre advice Electronic Data. The Universal Postal Union made it compulsory for ALL International parcels to provide the following data, the recipient’s name, telephone number and email address must be supplied electronically.

However, when reading the regulations, it is clear that “Personal Communications” (QSL Cards) are exempt from the regulations. It is though for the customs of the recipient country to determine if they allow the parcel to be forwarded to the recipient, returned or destroyed. Sending Bureau cards is a lot more complicated these days. 

Bureau Mailing July 2021

QSL cards have been posted to 103 World Bureaus – Monday 5th July 2021
This mailing is a joint mailing between M0OXO Charles & M0URX Tim. (Thanks Chris G1VDP, also thanks K3ZO Fred)
I would very much appreciate feedback from you when the QSL cards start arriving at World Bureaus or received by hams around the world? 

This mailing had been delayed due to Covid-19 restrictions. The cost of air freight for this mailing is considerably higher due to the lack of air freight capacity at this time. We have had to find new ways to reduce shipping rates and this remains a fluid and an ongoing issue.

The parcels are sent by Priority Business Mail to get to the Bureaus quickly.
Total amount of QSL cards dispatched: 23,804
Via M0URX 9,139,  Via M0OXO 14,050, Via MD0CCE 615, 
Total Weight: 88.328 kgs
Total Shipping Cost: £645.93 – £7.31 per kg. (gross weight includes packaging)

Average postage cost 2.71p per QSL card. Dispatch listed below in grams to each destination.

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United Radio QSL Bureau Update

A few months ago I considered closing the Bureau option on some of my call signs on OQRS as the demands and costs are getting unsustainable. I actually decided NOT to do that and at this current time, all Bureau cards are now ready to be dispatched in the next couple of weeks.
However, the global pandemic has caused a major restriction on air freight worldwide which has led to enormous increases in costs. For example, 10 small packages to ARRL have increased from £14 in total to £103, while the parcel to Japan JARL from £50 to £160, if you multiply the increases to all 90 IARU Bureau destinations the cost is quite a shock to bare.

I therefore had no choice but to introduce a $0.30c charge on Bureau cards on OQRS to help alleviate losses in my future Bureau mailings.

I appreciate to some, this may not be very popular but let me stress, this is NOT about making money. Applying a small charge/contribution will go a huge way to combat the deficit in Postage Costs to World Bureau’s. Without it the Bureau service will cease.
So you think Bureau is free? Since February 2014 we have paid £5,051.05 to get the Bureau cards posted… Free is not a word i recognise!

Thank you for your understanding…

Brazil Bureau Mail Unclaimed?

Brazil QSL Bureau parcel that we sent last year to the new PY address has been returned endorsed “UNCLAIMED” 

I would like to express my gratitude to LABRE for solving this matter very quickly this week. Today i received the following letter from LABRE:

“Dear Tim Beaumont,
LABRE comes by means of this, to clarify some problems faced by you in sending cards QSL for Brazil.
In March 2014, LABRE transferred the management and treatment of cards coming from abroad to the São Paulo branch, and in that time, the national administration did not inspect or as the
work was being done. In 2020, there was a change in the entire Board of Directors, and we opted for the return of QSL’s management to Brasília, at the address that is currently on the IARU website
Regarding the emails sent by you, we do not know the reason for the non-response because they did not arrive to us, we ask for your understanding and request that you use the email to deal with
any matter with LABRE.
We emphasize that there was also a failure of communication between the Brazilian postal service and LABRE, as we did not receive reports that there were packages awaiting payment of taxes for the
completion of submission.
We are also surprised by this occurrence, as we have received several cards from other countries usually. In view of these occurrences, we have adopted the procedure of consulting weekly for
possible remittance from abroad, and with that we hope to eliminate the problems caused.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused and here we reinforce our longing for receive the cards that unfortunately returned.”

I would like to express my gratitude to LABRE for solving this matter very quickly this week.
I have updated my website blog and added the letter very kindly sent to me by you today.
As far as i am concerned the matter is now resolved, any further loss of mail will be reported directly to you in future.
Regarding the emails, there were many email, and i got the email addresses from the LABRE Website which were obviously incorrect and have now been removed from the LABRE website. So maybe the website was not up to date? I also confirmed the email address with IARU which also gave me the wrong email address for LABRE. Again this matter is now resolved. I will be posting this parcel again to you for your members using “Printed Media Business Mail”
Some of the parcels i had sent to you in 2019 and 2020 that got returned were returned because of the new worldwide Pre Advice Delivery Data that is requested by Customs, Duane. Personal Correspondents such as QSL cards are EXEMPT from these new regulations, but Brazil Duane / Customs do not recognize the parcels as Personal Correspondents and return the parcels to sender. This was what the contents of my previous emails to ask for help from LABRE to allow these QSL parcels through customs / duane. So that was just for your information to help you understand why some of your parcels are required to pay TAX, this is because of the new worldwide Pre Advice Data for parcels, but there should be no TAX to pay on personal correspondents like QSL cards.
Once again, thank you for your co-operation and help. Please stay safe in these difficult covid times.

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