Welcome to Berry PJ4BZL in Bonaire to the United Radio QSL Bureau. Berry is mostly active on FT8 mode. QSL design has been requested and will be available shortly.
The log has been uploaded to LoTW.
Archive - February 2021

Sunday and Monday are usually busy for log updates here, 5Z4VJ Andy’s log was uploaded, FOC contest log now uploaded. Other logs uploaded are 5Z4PA, HK3C, PJ4DX, PJ4EL, PJ4EVA, PJ4KY, PJ4NX, TI5/N3KS, VK8NSB & ZB2TT.
Please always take note of the “Last QSO In Log Date & Time” which is highlighted in red on the log search. If your QSO is AFTER that date please wait for the next log update.
OQRS is open:
OQRS is open:
83 letters have been posted today with OQRS up to date. With the exception of PJ4EL & PJ4EVA, these printed QSL cards are currently still stuck in customs awaiting clearance. The delays are due to the new UPU customs regulations and also due to severe Covid-19 restrictions. Sorry for this delay out of my control. As soon as the cards get delivered by the courier i will get the requested cards posted.