Coming soon

Coming soon with United Radio QSL Management:
VK2/W7BRS Lord Howe Island – From July 11th  Due to the restructuring of the Australian Licensing system Lord Howe Island now has the prefix VK2 (being a dependency of New South Wales) followed by the call sign of the operator /W7BRS. For DXCC purposes the call sign will be operational from Lord Howe Island.
VP6WR Pitcairn September
KH8T American Samoa September 2-16

ARRL Systems Service Disruption

LoTWI am still aware that OQRS is unable to upload to LoTW for the log updates that have been sent to me. I am keeping up to date with the ARRL and wish them well in getting systems back up and running. Here is the latest update from ARRL

ARRL Systems Service Disruption – Updated 6/4/2024

On or around May 12, 2024, ARRL was the victim of a sophisticated network attack by a malicious international cyber group. ARRL immediately involved the FBI and engaged with third party experts to investigate.
This serious incident was extensive and categorized by the FBI as “unique,” compromising network devices, servers, cloud-based systems, and PCs.
ARRL management quickly established an incident response team. This has led to an extensive effort to contain and remediate the networks, restore servers, and staff are beginning the testing of applications and interfaces to ensure proper operation.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as our staff continue to work through this with an outstanding team of experts to restore full functionality to our systems and services.
We will continue to update members as advised and to the extent we are able.

Andaman & Nicobar Islands VU4

Dx-Adventure is proud to announce its next DX-Pedition, to take place in the first quarter of 2025.
Our international team, consisting of over 10 experienced operators, is eager to embark on this adventure.
This time, we’re focusing on the Andaman & Nicobar Islands VU4, currently ranked at place 54th of the  most wanted DXCC entity.
During this DX-Pedition, we’ll be active on all bands, using  CW, SSB, and digital modes.
This offers a fantastic opportunity for radio amateurs worldwide to work this DXCC | IOTA.
More news later on our website

Stay tuned for the latest news and details.

Best regards,  The Dx-Adventure Team
You hear our signals, we feel the pile-ups!

H40WA & J38R Mailing update

Since the TX5S mailing was posted on May 13th the next phase of envelopes were labelled ready for the J38R Grenada and H40WA Temotu Province QSL mailings. There was a short wait for customs authority to release our QSL parcels, then for the last 10 days work on preparing for the dispatch, we promised an end of May deadline and I made every effort to meet this working many hours. The mailing will leave here at 16:00z on Tuesday 28th May to get to Heathrow International Distribution Centre for onward flights.

In preparation the mail is country presorted and bagged and labelled for arrivals at the recipient mail centre. Also posted are TX5S, H44WA, 5Z4VJ and all recent OQRS and direct QSL requests.

ZC4GW QSL Preview

ZC4GW is QRV from Sovereign Base Area – Cyprus by Martin. OQRS is open.
Holiday activation 17-27 May 2024 from Eastern SBA (Dhekelia)
40-6m, CW mainly, some SSB, Will be active during CQWPXCW.
CQ 20 – ITU 39 – LOC KM64ww

LoTW Uploads suspended

LoTWThe American Radio Relay League (ARRL) warns it suffered a serious online incident, which disrupted its IT systems and online operations, including email and the Logbook of the World. ARRL is the national association for amateur radio in the United States, representing amateur radio interests to government regulatory bodies, providing technical advice, and promoting events and educational programs for enthusiasts around the country. On Thursday, the ARRL announced that it suffered a cyberattack that disrupted its network and systems, including various online services hosted by the organization. “We are in the process of responding to a serious incident involving access to our network and headquarters-based systems. Several services, such as Logbook of The World and the ARRL Learning Center, are affected,” explained ARRL in a press release. Logbook of The World is an online database that allows amateur radio enthusiasts to submit electronic logs of successful contacts (QSO) and confirmations (QSL) between other users.

TX5S Mailing Posted

TX5S Clipperton Island QSL cards have been mailed at 8am Monday 13th May 2024.
The mail has been country sorted and bagged up and sent to Heathrow International airport for onward shipping.

Please leave enough time for the QSL cards to arrive at your home.
Thank you for your patience.

H40WA QSL Preview

More beautiful QSL cards to preview. H40WA Temotu Province. Thank you to Max ON5UR for his design work. We expect to get the QSL cards posted out in early June.
H40WA OQRS open.

J38R Grenada QSL Preview

Delighted to show you the J38R Grenada DXpedition QSL Preview. Design by ON5UR Max. The QSL is now in the print room. I expect that QSL cards will be posted out around the end of May. Posting date will be released when known. Bespoke OQRS shows “QSL Sent” that means the labels have been printed and we are waiting for the 5,000 cards we ordered to arrive in the UK.

TX5S QSL Preview

The TX5S Clipperton Island DXpedition QSL cards were designed by Dave K3EL and are currently at the printer, ON5UR Print Services. There are three different cards:
–          TX5S Full color, double sided
–          TX5S Full color single card for buro and overflow contacts
A full color N6WM/MM card single card

The cards will be mailed from the United Kingdom on Monday 13th May by our QSL manager, Tim M0URX. OQRS shows “QSL Sent”  that means the labels have been printed and we are waiting for the 10,000 cards we ordered to arrive in the UK.
Questions to: 73, TX5S Team