Archive - July 2016

ZB2TT QSL Preview


The QSL card has been designed for ZB2TT, Robert (also M0TTT) in Gibraltar, many of you have been working Robert since he got the new call sign on June 16th. At this time Robert is using a simple set up of a Yaesu FT-450D and a Buddipole antenna with some quite remarkable results so far. Robert says that he hopes to build the station up and hopes to be working you all soon.

QSL cards will be ready to post in August and logs are regularly uploaded to LoTW, we remind you that Rob may sign as ZB2TT or ZB2TT/P so please be sure you log correctly. Another QSL design by Max, ON5UR.


V4/G0FWX & VP5/W5RF QSL Preview


Two new QSL cards desgned this week by Max ON5UR for the recent operations of V4/G0FWX St Kitts & VP5/W5RF Proidenciales, Turks & Caicos Islands.
QSL cards will be posted in August.




UR QSL Bureau team up with YOTA

yota dude

United Radio QSL Bureau
are very proud to team up with YOTA Youngsters On The Air to provide QSL management of the YOTA QSL cards.

Jamie Williams, (15) 2E0SDV will be looking after the QSL’ing both direct Via his address on and also on OQRS using Club Log for the time being. All Bureau cards for YOTA will be sent 3 times a year to all the world Bureaus.

QSL cards as usual will be printed by Max ON5UR. There will be new QSL cards being printed shortly so as soon as Jamie is supplied with the new stock of QSL cards he will start to send out the cards.

You can find out more about Youngsters On The Air on their website: YOTA

QSL Bureau Posting July 2016

QSL cards have been posted to 83 World Bureaus today, Monday 11th July 2016

This mailing is a joint mailing between M0OXO Charles and M0URX Tim
I would very much appreciate feedback from you when the QSL cards start arriving at World Bureaus or received by hams around the world? This feedback will be added to our data below.

This mailing features cards from the recent expeditions A25UK, A35T, A91HI, GS0NWM, TX3X, VK0EK

Total amount of QSL cards 19,765
Via M0URX 10,565
Via M0OXO 9.200

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HH2/HB9AMO QRV until 26th July


Pierre HH2/HB9AMO in Haiti will be active on 40m to 10m until 26 July in CW only. 

Pierre will be operating holiday style activity form Haiti, using 22 years old Kenwood TS-50 with low hanging long wire antenna + MFJ tuner.

QSL Via M0URX OQRS open.

Please use OQRS also for Bureau, you are asked not to send us incoming bureau cards. please only use OQRS. We encourage resposible Bureau use and this is also quicker and more cost effective.

ZB2TT Gibraltar

K800 Rock From North 1

Welcome to the United Radio QSL Bureau to ZB2TT Robert Morgan operating from Gibraltar.

QSL Via M0URX. OQRS open

A QSL card is currently being designed, LoTW certificates have been received for ZB2TT & ZB2TT/P. Please be aware for a match on LoTW you must log the QSO as Robert signs.

QSL cards will be available from August. 

Photo – Courtesy of Robert Morgan ZB2TT



Robert VP5/W5RF will be operating holiday style until the 11th July 2016 from Providenciales in the Caicos Islands.


CQ Zone: 8
ITU Zone: 11
IARU Locator: FL31vs
IOTA Ref: NA-002