Archive - July 2012

Bureau cards received from RSGB

Incoming Bureau cards arrived 23rd July 2012 for the following call series.
4,600 QSL cards for “QSL Via M0URX” Processed 31/07/2012.
Dispatch will be held back until September to include CY9M & 9M4SLL Bureau QSL cards.

CY9M OQRS is now open. Please remember to update your log book as QSL requested using OQRS.
Please do not duplicate your QSL requets, this is very important.

Bureau cards received from RSGB

Incoming Bureau cards arrived 23rd July 2012 for the following call series.
4,600 QSL cards for “QSL Via M0URX” Processed 31/07/2012.
Dispatch will be held back until September to include CY9M & 9M4SLL Bureau QSL cards.

RSGB IOTA Contest Participation (July 28-29)


The CY9M team will participate in the IOTA contest next weekend, giving both DXCC and IOTA hunters the chance to confirm NA-094. Our contest operation will be limited to 20 meters only – please do not ask for a contest exchange on other bands.
We will operate both SSB and CW modes throughout the contest.

The contest log will be merged with the regular DX operation, so there is no need to work us twice. Your contest contact will be valid for DXCC.

The CY9M QSL card will be used for confirmation and the log will be uploaded to LoTW. Contest log will be submitted to the RSGB IOTA Committee.

CY9M St Paul Island Expedition starts next week,  visit our website at If you like to help out,  please go to Thank you!

For 6m operators please note the Grid Square is FN97. Please do not exchange locators just RST is good enough for expedition. Thank you.

Spratly 9M4SLL

Layang Layang Island

Spratly 9M4SLL 7 – 13 August 2012

John, 9M6XRO, and Steve, 9M6DXX, will be operating as 9M4SLL from Pulau Layang Layang, Spratly Islands (IOTA AS-051) from 7 to 13 August inclusive. Activity will be on all bands from 80 to 10m, CW, SSB and RTTY, using two stations with linear amplifiers to vertical antennas on the edge of the ocean.

Spratly stands at number 29 in the current The DX Magazine ‘100 Most Needed Countries’ survey (world-wide, mixed modes), up from number 32 last year.

The QSL manager for 9M4SLL is Tim Beaumont, M0URX. QSL direct with SAE + $2 or 1 new IRC, OQRS (see or via the RSGB bureau (all bureau cards MUST be marked “via M0URX”). Logs will be uploaded to LoTW as soon as possible after the end of the operation (within a few days), but there will be NO online log during the DXpedition itself. If you are not certain of any QSO you are welcome to work us again for an ‘insurance’ contact.

9M6XRO and 9M6DXX would like to thank the Malaysian Prime Minister’s Department National Security Council for granting the operating permission from Layang-Layang Island. They would also like to thank Amid Drajak, 9W6ABD, of the MCMC licensing office in Kota Kinabalu for issuing the 9M4SLL licence, as well as the President of the Borneo Amateur Radio Club, Hamid, 9W6MID, and Rahim, 9M6RHM, for their help in obtaining the licence. Pekka, OH2YY, was of great help with the initial planning of the trip. Finally, thanks go to Vicky Lee of the Layang Layang Island Resort for her help in making this operation possible.

(Note for users of computer logging programs: The 9M4 prefix is issued to special event stations that may be anywhere on Malaysian territory; this includes the DXCC entities of West Malaysia, East Malaysia or, as in this case, Malaysian islands in the Spratly group.)
More infrmation click 9M4SLL Spratly Island

73, Steve, 9M6DXX

MC0SHL Ramsey Island EU-124


The Strumble Head DX and Contest Group (SHDXCG) will once again be activating Ramsey Island EU-124 between 12th and 14th July 2012. They will be on all bands from 40M through to 6M using 2 Hexbeams and a Windom. This year they are hoping to have a station dedicated to digital, mostly RTTY, using a TS480 at 200w and one of the Hexbeams. They have also analysed their logs and seen that there is a shortage of contacts with North and South America, and also the countries around the Caribbean. They have looked at the terrain and the location of the antennas with a view to getting one Hexbeam a little higher to clear a small ridge that blocks the Westerly direction allowing these contacts to be made.

As usual QSL via the manager Tim, M0URX, using his OQRS system for a speedy turn around. Logs will be uploaded to LOTW and Clublog as soon as they get back to the mainland. All details and (hopefully) a daily blog will be available on their website The team have also advised that they will operate from their farm HQ if they are unable to make the crossing to the island due to bad weather, but will announce on air if this is the case. Chris Colclough, G1VDP
Please note! Using OQRS? It is very important that you note in your log that QSL was requested by OQRS either by Bureau or Direct. So that you have a record of the date and method requested.

LATEST – 14/07/2012 The team will go back to the mainland on Sunday due to an incoming weather system that will sweep through the Island. From Sunday the team will operate from the farm on EU-005 mainland.

CY9M – Coming Soon! Donations Welcome!


Very soon it’s time for an international team of 10 amateur radio operators to board their flights to Nova Scotia, Canada to participate in the expedition to St. Paul Island, a top-40 “most wanted” DXCC.

Quick Facts: CY9M St. Paul Island, July 26-Aug 1, 160-6 meters.
QSL via M0URX.

Once the team arrives at St. Paul, in the Gulf of St Lawrence, we plan to unpack and prepare 6 Elecraft K3 transceivers, 4 amplifiers, raise 3 Hex Beams and a number of other antennas in order to be active on all bands from 160 meters through 6 meters CW, SSB and Digital. The power station consists of three generators that constantly chargers three large battery tanks for maximum efficiency. We plan to consume more that 500 litres of fuel, large amounts of food and other “necessities”, including several hundred litres of water.

The team, together with 2 tons of equipment and supplies, head out to sea on a 42 foot motor vessel on the evening of 25 July or on the morning of the 26th depending on weather. We expect to be active starting July 26 and continuously rock the bands until August 1, weather permitting.

After the activity, all contacts will be verified via LoTW and for those who want paper QSL, Tim Beaumont M0URX lends us his excellent manager services. The log will be available through ClubLog, likely after the expedition.

The activity is supported both financially and through the loan of equipment by several large clubs such as NCDXF, GDXF, ARRL and companies like Elecraft, Acom and DX Engineering. But we are most proud that so many individual amateur operators and DX chasers contribute to the activity out of their own pocket.

If you would like to donate any amount to the CY9M St Paul Island Dxpedition, please click here:

Feel free to follow us on Twitter and Facebook for the latest news updates.

We look forward to working you from St Paul Island, a top 40 most wanted DXCC.

73, CY9M Team, St Paul Island DXpedition.

Bill, N2WB, George, EA2TA, Christian, EA3NT, Simon, IZ7ATN, Col, MM0NDX, Kevin, VE3EN, Steve, VA3FM, Victoria, SV2KBS, Bjorn, SM0MDG, Mike, AB5EB.

Latest QSL cards


Three QSL cards are now being printed and will be ready soon to be posted out. 5B4AHL, Dave, welcome to the team.  

GD4JVG, Steve, recently on holiday in the Isle of Man and

GQ1VDP Chris celebrating the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II.











All QSL cards will be ready to be posted later in July.

Ham Radio 2012 – Max ON5UR


Max, ON5UR QSL Printing had a successful visit to Ham Radio 2012 this year. Here are some images from the show. Max says “It was great to meet friends and clients from around the World, I was working hard behind my stand this year. Although I did have time to view the new Kenwood TS990 with my friend Dervin PD9DX”
Photographs by ON5UR.








 Below: Life is Simple – Eat Sleep DX.
 Below Right: HZ1M ON5UR A71FJ.