Archive - March 2018

VP6D Press Release 3

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Press Release #3 March 23, 2018
VP6D Ducie Island 2018 DX-pedition (OC-182)

 Joining the team is Ken Karr NG2H. A CW enthusiast, Ken was most recently a member of the VK0EK Heard Island 2016 DX-pedition team. Ken was first licensed in 1955 and credits Amateur Radio for launching his interests in science, engineering and oceanography.  Ken is retired from the US Navy; his assignments included commanding two nuclear fast attack submarines and serving as the senior member of the Navy’s Atlantic Fleet Operational Reactor Safeguards Examination team. We are very happy to welcome Ken to the team.

 With the cooperation of Elecraft and the Baker Island KH1/KH7Z DX-pedition team we will share the same Elecraft equipment. Upon its return to California the Elecraft equipment will be tested, configured and repacked for shipment to the Braveheart in New Zealand. Elecraft offered their assistance to expedite the process. We appreciate the willingness of both Elecraft and the Baker team to support VP6D.

 Joining our list of corporate sponsors is Cornelius Paul DF4SA of Spiderbeam GmbH whose products will be added to the antenna plan.

Providing an All Time New One (ATNO) is a key objective of VP6D. We will keep stations on 20 meter SSB and CW as propagation permits. Additionally, FT-8 may also provide DXers an ATNO opportunity during periods of poor conditions.

 As previously reported, we kicked off our fundraising campaign with a generous grant from the Northern California DX Foundation, followed by individuals, DX clubs and foundations. We especially appreciate the support from the following European organizations: German DX Foundation, Swiss DX Foundation, UK DX Foundation, European DX Foundation, Mediterraeno DX Club (Italy), Clipperton DX Club (France), GM DX Group (Scotland), Radio Society of Great Britain, LA DX Group (Norway), OHDXF (Finland), and the British Amateur Radio Teledata Group (BARTG).  Like any DX-pedition to a rare entity, we will continue to actively solicit financial support.

 Of course, we appreciate the clubs, foundations and individuals that have already supported the project with their donations. A current list of all donors is available at:

 73, Team Ducie – 2018
Website:  Twitter and Facebook Please direct questions to:

Send your outgoing bureau cards with us!

United Radio QSL Bureau has an Outward posting to all IARU World QSL Bureaus 3 times per year.
I welcome anyone to use this service.

30,000+ QSL cards are posted every year.
£6 per kilo or 60p per 100g (Equivalant to $1 per 100g)
All QSL cards must be pre-sorted into the IARU Bureau sequence.

Parcels should be posted to:

Mr Tim Beaumont 
83 Limbrick Avenue
Tile Hill
Coventry CV4 9EX

All parcels should be securely packaged using plenty of packing tape to seal the box against bursting.
Outgoing Bureau – We cater for all users of the IARU Bureau system, this reduces the financial burden on our National Societies. Mail is shipped to World Bureaus using the M-Bag Priority product for fast delivery to all World Bureaus around the globe.
All users of the Bureau are welcome to use the facilities here for your outgoing QSL cards. (By prior arrangement, costs apply) Bureau does not mean slow!
Our Bureau service is subsidised by donations of OLD Out of date IRC’s. Do you have any?

Need A QSL Manager or Mailing Solution?

Tim Beaumont M0URX, here at the United Radio QSL Bureau together with ON5UR Maxi-Print we can provide your DXpedition with a one stop QSL service that has the highest reputation in the Amateur Radio community.

Whether you are a one man DXpedition or a full blown DXpedition Team going to the rarest DXCC on the globe, we have a package to suit your needs!

We have a flexible Online QSL Request System that is tailored to our and your needs!
UK QSL managers managing your own expeditions can benefit from using our Online Mailing Account for the most competitive postal rates.

We can also mail out club magazines and any printed material. With printing solutions for you.

Click here for more information: 

ZB2TT log uploaded.


Rob ZB2TT was active in the RUDXC Contest last weekend after a short break. Rob reports having to close down early due to the 3rd Altlantic storm in a row bringing 100 mph winds. Rob says that he hopes to get on air again for some activity in the WPX SSB contest.

508 QSOs have been uploaded to OQRS and LoTW today. OQRS open

Peter PJ4NX continues to enjoy FT8 mode a further log update today takes him over 1,100 FT8 QSOs. Log also has been uploaded to OQRS & LoTW.

Service to YV Venezuela Suspended


Once again UR QSL Bureau has not been able to get our Bureau cards to the YV IARU Bureau as post to Venezuela has been suspended.

Venezuela Start date: 4 July 2017 End date: Ongoing
The local situation has disrupted mail flows into Venezuela and our supplier has had to stop delivering mail in to Venezuela. As a result, we can no longer accept any QSL requests for Venezuela, any mail on hand will be held until the service is resumed. We don’t know when the situation will change, but we will look for alternative ways of getting mail in to Venezuela.
Update 19/03/2018
Thank you to YV5LI, Francisco is working with us so that we can post our YV Bureau cards to a private address in USA where they will be collected and taken back to YV. Thank you Francisco!

ZC4A QSL Mailing

K800 ZC4A-Mailing

K800 QSL-ZC4A-2ZC4A  590 letters ready to be posted tomorrow Monday 5th March. 

1,445 Bureau cards have been processed ready for the next bureau dispatch.

OQRS is open for your requests OQRS You can also check using the OQRS and log search that your QSL is sent.