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Archive - January 2015
HI2DX QSL cards arrived from the printer today, 363 letters will be posted on Tuesday 27th January. Sorry these have taken longer than I would normally expect, there were a considerable amount of logging issues to work through.
Have you worked any good DX lately? Then BACK UP YOUR LOG!
Please take note that I DO NOT give out date and time data from my logs. That includes EP6T.
Please do not email me saying you have a HDD crash! Back your log up!
We are constant aware of the unbalanced amount of “EU-NA-VK-AS” QSO’s. We do our best do bend this fact but 10 days is perhaps to less time to satisfy everybody. We are trying to call for certain area’s, but are not always have the control on the hard to find “HAM spirit”. Jammers, calling with fake calls and disrespecting the operators, sending disgraceful emails and calling us names is sometimes to much for us. PLEASE A LITTLE MORE RESPECT is needed.
Last night was the first day to enjoy RX with no local QRM. There is a noise level we must concur but this is not local. Many JA’s made it through on the low bands, and on 80m some NA stations made it through. Only as far KV4FZ and NP2X was worked on 160m. Even EU was hard to work at sunrise.
We have 4 RX antenna’s we can switch but when conditions are bad there’s nothing we can do.
Today we had a visit of the Iranian press TV. They made a report and will be transmitted on the air tonight. We seem to be famous people over here, hihi.
We will do a logupdate on a regular base. We can’t do any log adjustments at the moment. Our QSL manager will adjust when possible after the operation. Just send a mail with your busted call together with the time, band and mode you worked us.
As QSL manager I am working hard answering emails regarding logging enquiries. I received the LoTW certificate on Tuesday. Thank you to the LoTW support team especially Kathy Allison and Dave Patton. EP6T team gave me permission to upload the logs to LoTW a few hours after the team upload to Club Log, once i am sure that the log is correct.
We have good news! Everything is going as planned, we passed customs in Tehran with ALL our equipment, and are now waiting for our domestic flight to Kish Island! The help of Dr Fard was very much appreciated again and we were very happy to be welcomed by so many people of the local amateur radio society in the middle of the night. The 50 km trip between airports which was arranged by Mohammed (EP3MIR) and his assistant Ali went perfectly. All official departments on Kish island have been notified about our radio expedition. There should be no restrictions. In a few hours after arrival on the island we will start building the antennas, and setting up the stations. Expecting to be on air by midnight January 16th.
All flights have been booked and QTH confirmed. 9th September to 16th September.
The team will take three flights and transfers to get to our QTH and should arrive by 1600z on the 9th September if all goes to plan. so, we should be QRV on the 9th early evening time. we will be QRV until PM on the 15th September weather permitting. we may have to QRT early if the weather turns bad.
Due to mains power limitations on the island we will QRT each night at 2300z and QRV each day at 0700z. we have looked at taking or hiring a generator. but in the end it was going to be a lot of trouble to get one on the island or courier one to the island.
As mentioned above, we have scheduled a band plan to suit. we will be QRV on 10 through to 40 meters only. MODES- CW, SSB and RTTY. we plan to have 2 stations on the air throughout each day from 0700 to 2300.
ANTENNAS. we have decided on using vertical mono band dipoles for each band as we have salt water very close to the antennas, less than 10meters, according to google earth.
We will upload to club log each day and LOTW on return home.
QSL’s will be handled by Tim, M0URX OQRS Direct & OQRS. Bureau OQRS ONLY a new QSL will be designed for this dxped.
Most of all, we will have fun doing it.. look forward to working you. 73 MS0OXE.
W5MJ Madison Jones will be QRV as V63MJ Federated States of Micronesia on Kosrae Island OC-059 from 16th – 24 February 2015. CW only 160m to 10m. Using K3 transceiver, and KPA500 amplifier.
QSL Via M0URX Direct & OQRS.
Bureau OQRS only please.
We have all heard about the “DX Code of Conduct” and how important it is for all of us, DX chasers and DX activators to follow rules to reduce DQRM and other nasties. As a QSL manager I am able to see much of what happens behind the scenes and feel that the new year is a good time to help those of you planning DXpeditions in the future to make sure that you are fully prepared for your adventure. Many of the circumstances I describe below HAVE happened to the teams that I have worked with and some of them are so “school boy error” that you often do not even think about it until the problem occurs.