United Radio QSL Bureau

Tim Beaumont M0URX, United Radio QSL Bureau together with ON5UR Maxi-Print can provide your DXpedition with a one stop QSL service that has the highest reputation in the Amateur Radio community

What can I provide?

Tim Beaumont M0URX –  QSL Manager & Mailing Consultant  –  A tailored service for your QSL requirements from Holiday station, IOTA to major DX’pedition status.
Here you will find The Bespoke OQRS & Log Search and hints and tips on how to use OQRS for you!
I will post all new QSL designs here on the Blog along with details of significant large mailings. You can also find the dates of previous “World Bureau Mailings” so that you can check if you bureau card is on its way to your local bureau.

United Radio QSL Bureau runs its own OUTGOING QSL Bureau.  Available for ANYONE to use. (See website for more info)
For UK QSL managers – I can provide access to the most competitive postal rates in the industry.
For World Dxpedition teams our Bespoke OQRS:

  • Enables us to handle all your requirements providing Free Direct QSL’s & Express LoTW uploads to your sponsors. 
  • Professional QSL design & printing through a range of tailored levels of support to meet your needs.
  • Security & back up local & cloud data storage ensuring integrity & preservation.
  • Unique global QSL mailing account integration.​

Bespoke OQRS also features “OQRS Configuration” for Direct, Bureau & Express LoTW to the requirements of your Dxpedition.

    • Support for “Missing / Busted Call” inquiries integration with your Log Search. 
    • Statistics including list of Dupes, Operator stats, band, mode, country and much more! 
    • Real Time log search & Band Activity Module

Email: tim@M0URX.com Tel: +44 (0) 7976 292980

What makes this such an excellent service?

Firstly I can offer FREE high quality QSL printing for DXpedition Teams and also FREE high quality QSL printing to SOME holiday and IOTA stations that receive 300 or more Direct QSL cards using my service where $ contributions have been enclosed. Our QSL service will give YOU “attention to detail”.

2024 QSL Policy $3 Direct Letter or $3 Direct OQRS – Bureau OQRS FREE to 30c.
For DXpeditions please check QSL Policy of the DXpedition. It will be different to mine! DXpedition sets the QSL Policy!
I will upload to LoTW according to the DXpedition QSL Policy.

Please do not send me any incoming Bureau cards. USE OQRS ONLY.

For the Larger DXpediton Teams.
We have a plan for you!

For DXpeditions that want and need to look after QSL costs in house I can offer the following.
The teams PayPal address will feature on the Donation and QSL Direct feature on our OQRS. You get FULL financial control.
Prior consultation required for this section.

For this section you MUST discuss with me your requirements BEFORE the station is on air, so that the right QSL Policy can be ascertained and the right T&C’s for you and me.

Our costs to YOU the team!
2,000 directs – $2 per direct letter.
2001 to 3,000 directs> – $1.8 per direct letter.

Above costs include all materials, 4 sided QSL, postage, bureau and replacement directs that go missing in transit if I am notified within 12 months.

Variable factors that may change the above are currency fluctuations and sponsorship by Foundations can add to distribution costs.. Money to be paid prior to letters being posted.

After the major mailing costs, I revert back to $3 per direct after the initial bulk mailing & OQRS to my PayPal.

Top 10 Most Wanted DXpediton Planned?

You get the best plan from our service! Contact me for details.

UK QSL Managers

If you are a UK QSL manager? or you are looking after your own QSL activities, then you can gain access to our Online Business Account for your mailing needs. Please contect me for more information.

What QSL printer do we use?

I work closely with Max Van Rymenant ON5UR in Belgium. Max is our QSL card designer and printer. http://www.on5ur.be Thanks to Max any DX Team that uses the service provided by United Radio QSL Team will receive the highest quality printing at the best costs. This reduces the QSL printing cost further!

T&Cs: QSL Design & ADIF log

  1. It is the responsibility of the DX station or DX Team to ensure that all photographic images are provided at the earliest opportunity. Within 7 days
    I suggest a team photographer be chosen and this person be delegated to work with us on the QSL design.
  2. Club logos and corporate logos must have permission of the owner to be printed on the QSL card.
    Please remember that we will require high resolution logos for print reproduction. Logos copied from a website are of too low quality for printing.
  3. Please discuss with your team all information, text, logos, images and reference numbers that you want on the QSL design.All QSL design instructions and information must be clearly written in an email with photographic images in high resolution of 300 DPI or better to tim@m0urx.com No more than 7 days after your expedition.
  4. One free draft will be provided to the team in which the team will proof for errors.
    The time to send me contents for the QSL card is BEFORE the card is designed. NOT after.

    A second proof correction is also free, then any further drafts will be chargeable to the DX Station.
  5. Log must be provided as ADIF format immediately at the end of the expedition.
    For non DXpedition stations i require an ADIF once a week. Failure to do so prevents me from responding to QSL requests.
  6. I will not accept ANY remote operation activities. Transceiver, antennas AND operators must ALL be in the same QTH.

RSGB Bureau Charges for NON members:
NO Incoming Route – Use OQRS ONLY

Remember! Delays in transferring logs and QSL images for the QSL work will reflect badly on MY reputation! This will not be accepted!
Data transfer: I use Broadband high speed internet, so all ADIF files and QSL card images can be transferred easily and quickly by my usual email address.

If your DX activity falls in one of these categories: DXpedition, Holiday Stations, IOTA Stations and Rare DXCC.
Then you may qualify for sponsorship, you are welcome to email me.

QSL cards and what to put on them?

For me, a QSL card is more than just a confirmation of a 2 way radio communication. It can tell someone a lot about you and your station and your interests in the hobby.So what do you put on your QSL card? Think about the design you want, it will be only as good as your imagination allows. How about a photo of you in the radio shack, or at the helm of the newly furbished club station or a photo of you in pursuit of another hobby? Or a photo of that tower and the SteppIR at the top of your garden!

Remember that your QSL card may be used by others to claim awards so you should always remember to put on all relevant information. For IOTA claimants the IOTA number and the Island name MUST be printed on the QSL card. NOT hand written. I may live in land locked Central England but we are IOTA Reference EU-005 Great Britain Mainland and this MUST be on my QSL card to be valid for an award claim. Your IARU Locator number, WAB square, Longitude and Latitude, CQ Zone, ITU Zone, Station Equipment are all as useful and as important as the QSO report panel box, your callsign and name on the QSL card.

The UR QSL Management Bureau is here working for you! The offer of FREE high quality QSL printing for your DX Team is alone valuable sponsorship!
For small holiday stations I will offer a % of high quality printing costs depending on amount of QSL cards received.

Kind Regards, Tim Beaumont M0URX