United Radio QSL Management Bureau are pleased to support and promote the following appeal.
I ask all readers of my Blog please read the press release below and consider a donation to this fund. A very worthy cause…
Press Release [in full] by GD6TWF:
The following appeal was made on DX World. Net Assistance Required
Hi! I am Abel (ex-9E2ABL). What I want to ask about is that I have passed the RSGB exam[1] and am now properly licensed.. but when I apply for the license here I am required to have a radio & I may pay for the custom duty here but for the radio that I cannot afford … so if there is a way like an organization to support or anything…that I can get a radio it will be so helpful. I hope I will get a positive response.
Thank you, 73 Abel
Following this appeal Sid May ET3SID a British National Resident in Ethiopia for decades contacted DX World.Net to say he had coached four young Ethiopians – all members of the Ethiopian Amateur Radio Society (“EARS”) through the examination including Abel – and stated that all four were in the same position; they had the qualification to get a license but could not afford the cost of buying, shipping and importing equipment.
As a result of this request several amateurs made offer of help and it was decided to form a simple appeal to raise funds and accept donations of equipment so that these four young amateurs could get on the air.
The appeal is called Amateur Radio In Ethiopia (“ARIE”) and a webpage has been launched at http://tinyurl.com/ETproject which gives all the information and details on how to donate.
We have already had offers of equipment and cash donations from UK, Germany, New Zealand, UK, USA and Isle of Man.
The appeal has been designed so anyone can donate according to means. That old rig gathering dust on the shelf would change someone’s life. A small donation would allow us to buy PL259’s or a few metres of coax. A big donation would allow us to ship a donated rig out.
We welcome donations from individuals, clubs, societies, associations, dx-groups any where in the world. If your business is interested in being involved please contact us to see how we can work together.
We passionately believe that this organisation will have a lifelong impact on the recipients, help people enjoy their hobby who, without your help, would not be able to do so. Contributed towards equipping Ethiopian hams who will be making contacts and giving many other hams a new DXCC country while at the same time developing their own valuable technical skills and career prospects.
[1] Radio Society of Great Britain (‘RSGB”) International Examination. The cost of which was met by the RSGB.
The Logo may be used in publications or online provided it is attributed. The logo is available in a variety of formats and file sizes from Chris Wood GD6TWF@IOM.COM please specify your requirements.
For any questions please look at our website http://tinyurl.com/ETproject or contact Chris Wood