Archive - April 2023

TX5S Press Release 2

For Immediate Release Press Release #2 April 20, 2023

TX5S Clipperton Island DXpedition (NA-011)  January 18 – February 1, 2024

The French national frequency agency, ANFR, has reserved the callsign TX5S for use during the Clipperton Island DXpedition, the license will be valid for 15 days. We expect to operate maritime mobile, call sign to-be-determined.

As the cost of expeditions to highly most wanted DXCC entities continues to increase the importance of donations to support these projects has never been greater. The Clipperton Island project budget is $350,000. The ship’s fee represents the largest expense and must be paid in advance. We have set a fund-raising target of $175,000. To date we have raised $35,800.

Support of the DX community is more important than ever and we wish to thank our early individual donors, foundations, clubs and corporate sponsors:

· Foundations and Clubs:
o The Northern California DX Foundation $25,000
o The European DX Foundation
o UK DX Foundation
o The Clipperton DX Club
o Twin City DX Association
o Lone Star DX Association
o Danish DX Group
o LA DX Group
o Spokane DX Association
o North Alabama DX Club

· Corporate Sponsors
o DX Engineering
o GigaParts
o The DX Store
o The Daily DX
o RadioSport
o Rig Expert
o ON5UR QSL Service
o United Radio QSL Management Bureau

Team member update: Nodir EY8MM, Allan EA3SHO and Dave WD5COV have joined the team, in addition to Jacky ZL3CW, Dave K3EL, Steve W1SRD, Ricardo PY2PT, Gene K5GS, Heye DJ9RR, Laci HA0NAR, Walt N6XG, Rob N7QT, Glenn KE4KY, Chris N6WM, Andreas N6NU, and Arliss W7XU.

Look for TX5S team members at the International DX Convention in Visalia, Dayton Hamvention and Ham Radio Friedrichshafen, we hope to see you there.

Additional details will be released as they develop.

Website: Please direct your questions to:

73, Clipperton 2024 Team

About PDXG

Since its formation in 2013 the Perseverance DX Group ( has conducted five DXpeditions, logging over 340,000 QSOs. From being chased off Mellish Reef by a cyclone to living on an Antarctic Island for two weeks, the team continues to seek exciting DXpedition projects.

J8NY QSL Preview

I am proud to present you the QSL design for J8NY, IOTA: NA-109 DXpedition to St Vincent Island, in the Caribbean February 2023.
QSL cards posted out on Thursday 11th May 2023.
Another QSL designed by Maxi-Print ON5UR

2022-2023 Mailing Statistics

As the 2022 – 2023 financial tax year comes to an end, it is time to take a look at how our mailing facility has worked over the last year. Overall  15,185 items of mail were posted at a cost of £13,626.65. We post QSL cards, bureau parcels and magazines using the various products as shown in the table below. With 2,978 more items posted this year, with Solar Cycle 25 this last 6 months providing much increased propagation on HF and an increase in DXpedition activity along with less Covid restrictions on the travel industry.
DX’pedition QSL costs are very competitive as always and we welcome talking to DX teams about mailing your QSL cards in the future.
The biggest challenge to Bureau shipments is the worldwide customs regulations where we are seeing many countries putting a customs tax on Bureau shipments.
Once again i can report the benefit of Brexit is that we no longer have to pay 20% tax on sending mail to EU countries a saving of £1k year on year.
With more DXpeditions over the next 12 months we remain positive for the future with only small increase in postage costs over the last 12 months.