Archive - March 2013

OLD IRC’s – What to do with them?

The search is on to find unwanted, expired OLD IRC’s. Do you have any of the old yellow style or even the really old blues, or how about any out of date CN01 style IRC’s? 
Please have a look in your drawers or hidden away in the radio shack.
Although I CANNOT accept them as part of return postage, I would like to collect them here and send them to the UPU. All money cashed in will be used to pay for the printing of QSL cards for forthcoming DXpeditons and also used to pay for the Bureau postage costs sending all our QSL cards to the World Bureaus.

XW8XZ 30/03/2013 – 03/04/2013


Steve, 9M6DXX, will be operating holiday style as XW8XZ from near Vientiane, Laos, between 30 March and 3 April. Activity will be SSB only, using 100 watts (the maximum power permitted by the licence) to a Butternut HF6V-X antenna with 12/17m kit.

QSL via M0URX, by OQRS, or Direct, or via the Bureau.
Logs will be uploaded to LoTW as quickly as possible after the operation.


Large stock of IRC’s For Sale Worldwide CLICK HERE for more information.

9U4U Single QSL Preview


Here is the single QSL card preview for 9U4U Burundi DXpedition.


QSL designed by Max ON5UR

9U4U QSL Preview


The 9U4U Burundi QSL is now ready for the printroom. The double QSL has been designed by ON5UR, Max.
There will be a single QSL for the Bureau. QSL Via M0URX.

Posting date expected 12th April 2013.


QSL Preview KH2/G3ZEM & V63ZM


QSL Preview for KH2/G3ZEM, Guam Island, and V63ZM, Federated States of Micronesia.

Posting date expected to be all sent out 2nd April 2013. 




DXCC ADIF Country Identifier Spratly Islands


9M4SLL Team would like to remind you that some logging software may not identify 9M4SLL as being Spratly Islands. If this is the case with your log please manually change the DXCC ADIF Country Identifier to 247 Spratly Islands.

The log will be uploaded to LoTW at the earliest opportunity, but remember your log must have the correct ADIF country identifer number to match on LoTW. Thank you.

9M4SLL LoTW uploaded up to 15/03/2013 0306z.

DXCC ADIF Country Identifier Spratly Island

9M4SLL Team would like to remind you that some logging software may not identify 9M4SLL as being Spratly Islands. If this is the case with your log please manually change the DXCC ADIF Country Identifier to 247 Spratly Islands.

The log will be uploaded to LoTW at the earliest opportunity, but remember your log must have the correct ADIF country identifer number to match on LoTW. Thank you.

Back up your logs!

Over the last few weeks I have received about 100 emails saying:
“I have had a HDD failure and need the dates and times of my QSOs”

It is impossible for me to know which emails are genuine and which are not, many are clearly seeing their call in Club Log and not having noted down the details and are clearly not aware that they have been logged.

It is YOUR responsibility to correctly log your QSOs and to back up to ADIF regularly just in case of a HDD failure. Please do not email me asking for such information as this breaches the integrity of my logs and my work.

So, I am sorry to report, I am NOT permitted to give out this data.


9M4SLL Spratly DXpedition Press Release 2


On 9 January I sent you some brief information about the 9M4SLL Spratly DXpedition which will take place  between 10 and 18 March, and promised more details later. Here now is some further information.

Unfortunately Christian, EA3NT, had to withdraw from the DXpedition due to work reasons, but he has been replaced by two experienced Hungarian DXpeditioners: Pista, HA5AO, and George, HA5UK. The other operators are John, 9M6XRO; Steve, 9M6DXX; James, 9V1YC; Don, G3BJ; Tony, KM0O and Ben, N6MUF / DJ0YI (total 8 operators).

9M4SLL will operate with five stations simultaneously at peak times, using mainly Elecraft K3 and K2 transceivers plus full legal power linear amplifiers on all stations. The antennas will all be verticals and all will be sited within a few metres of the ocean. In particular we will have a Titanex V160E 27m (87ft) high vertical for 160 and 80m with a Pennant antenna for RX on those bands. Activity will be on 160 to 10m, CW, SSB and RTTY. There will be no 60 metre operation as that is not permitted by the Malaysian licence.

The QSL Manager is Tim, M0URX, and direct or bureau QSLs can be requested by OQRS from his website at Logs will be uploaded to LoTW as soon as possible after the end of the DXpedition – within a few days. We plan to upload to an online log once per day during the DXpedition. Further information, including suggested operating frequencies, can be found on the 9M4SLL page on M0URX’s website at
Steve, 9M6DXX