Archive - November 2012

9M6DXX Mini-DXpedition

Disappointed with the current poor conditions and high noise level at my home QTH, I have booked two night’s accommodation at a seaside hotel where I am able to put up vertical antennas by the sea. I plan to be active (SSB only) as 9M6DXX (IOTA OC-088) on 8 and 9 December, using 400 watts to an 80m quarter-wave inverted-L with 50ft vertical section and feedpoint just inches above the sea at high tide. On 10m I will use a vertical dipole, again right on the ocean, and will participate part-time in the ARRL 10m Contest (single op, HP, SSB). On the other bands I will use a Butternut HF6V-X with 12/17m add-on kit, elevated about 15 feet above the sea.
I will be checking 80m SSB around the greyline for Brazil, northern South America, the Caribbean and eastern USA and Canada around 1000 – 1050UTC and 2130 – 2215UTC on both days. I will also look for northern and western Europe on 80m SSB between 1500 and 1800UTC. If propagation is no good on 80m I will try 40m instead.
QSL 9M6DXX via M0URX: direct or bureau. You may also use M0URX’s OQRS service (, but since I am collecting cards for 5BDXCC I would prefer it if you sent your own QSL card to M0URX either direct or via the RSGB bureau. The logs will be uploaded to LoTW within a few days of the operation.
73, Steve, 9M6DXX

OY3JE QSL Preview


The Faroe Islands offer a stunning backdrop that make beautiful photography that look just gorgeous on any QSL card, sunsets and Aurora Borealis are my favourite subject for a design. This new design for OY3JE Jan will be printed and available very soon. QSL Via M0URX. 










I have received a parcel from Jan containing 115 letters. All letters have been processed through the log. QSL cards will be posted once the cards arrive from the printer.

PJ4NX – Bonaire – QSL Via M0URX


Welcome Peter, PJ4NX in Bonaire, to the United Radio QSL Bureau. QSL now Via M0URX. OQRS is now open.

Peter has sent me the full log so I can now process QSL requests. A NEW QSL card is currently being designed and will be printed soon. I expect to be able to post QSL requests by Christmas. Please be patient while I wait for the cards to be printed.

Peter will upload to LoTW regularly. Please use my OQRS for QSL requests where possible please, both for Direct and Bureau. I ask you please do not send any cards to PJ4NX through the Bureau system, if you can use OQRS please use it. Save costs!

Any stations that I am QSL manager for will always be glad to work you, however I ask you to follow the DX Code. If the DX station is asking for a specific area STAND BY and DO NOT call. Some of the behaviour from Europe now is unacceptable and the DX will just close down if you carry on like this. Thank you for your attention.









After more than 6 months work and hundreds international phone calls, we finally find a “base location” for a DX trip to Monaco.

Callsigns: 3A/ON5UR – 3A/ON8AK – Operators Max and Marc.

Date: 9 – 17 November 2012.

SSB operation only.

QSL via M0URX Tim.


So far we have permission for one base station, but we hope to find a solution to get two stations on the air.

We will operate from 10 to 80 Mtr.


Website Now Live – Monaco Gallery

3A/ON5UR Log search

3A/ON8AK Log search


I am pleased to announce that good progress is being made with discussion with Stan SQ8X for the transfer of QSL manager for JX5O.
I have now received the log. OQRS is open for NEW requests ONLY

Old Requets: Very Important: Please read carefully.
For those who have paid by OQRS to Stan, please email me direct at Stan has agreed to transfer me the money for the postage of your direct OQRS. Please email me a copy of the PayPal invoice for my reference. I will then bill Stan, and the letters will be posted once the money has been trasferred from Stan.

Stan has a further 80 – 100 direct letters and these will be replied to by Stan.

We will consult with a courier to arrange shipment of the boxes from Poland. I will make a further announcement as and when I have more news. I have no time frame just yet but you will get the QSL.
Please if you are emailing me, be polite, any nasty emails will be deleted or moved to the back of the pile! Please do not use cluster for discussion on this matter. Email me please.

Stan informs me I have sent a big number of bureau cards already. Some are pending but this is something I can manage here” 

Please DO NOT under any circumstances make a double request for Direct or Bureau cards already requested, as this will delay and cost money.

All previously requested QSL’s will be honoured. My OQRS is only for NEW requests.

I repeat. DO NOT… that is DO NOT use OQRS for QSL cards already REQUESTED.

Thank you for your understanding. Tim M0URX