Archive - September 2016

OY/ON6NB QSL Preview


Just days after OY/ON6NB closed its log and the team flew back to Belgium, the QSL design was put together by Max, ON5UR, and is now in the print room. I would like to thank the team for their excellent collaboration in the QSL and OQRS side of the project. LoTW uploaded.

Many thanks to our professional photographer OY1OF Ólavur Frederiksen for taking time to work with the team and allow us to use his image for this QSL design from Vágar Island, in the Faroe Islands, IOTA: EU-018, Grid Locator: IP62kb, WWFF: OZFF-0007.

The team would like to thank you all for working them on this DXpedition. QSL cards will be sent out in October.
QSL Via M0URX OQRS preferred
ore information can be found on the DXpedition website OY/ON6NB


OY/ON6NB Faroe Islands 15 – 21 September 2016

K1024 Faroe Islands

A group of 8 Belgian Radio Amateurs will be QRV from Vágar Island EU-018 Faroe Islands between the 15th and 21st September 2016, OY/ON6NB will be On Air between 6m and 80m, in SSB, CW,PSK and RTTY with an emphasis on the higher bands, propagation conditions permitting.

The OY/ON6NB Team
ON4ANN – Erik, Team leader, SSB operator
ON4ACP – Philppe, CW operator
ON4CCV – Erik, SSB operator
ON4CKM – Cedric, SSB operator
ON5PDV – Paul, SSB Digi operator
ON6MI –    Rudi SSB operator 
Etienne –    ONL
ON4DTO – Andre SSB Digi operator
Photos courtesy of OY1OF Ólavur Frederiksen

QSL Via M0URX OQRS preferred 
ore information can be found on the DXpedition website OY/ON6NB
K1024 16sep16 00Q6881K1024 16sep16 00Q6875

VK0EK features on QST cover!


Great to see VK0EK DXpedition to Heard Island feature on the front cover of the October 2016 edition of QST magazine.

As QSL manager I was very proud to work with this team. The challenges of QSL duties on a major DXpedition are numerous, probably the most time consuming are researching busted call inquiries and monitoring the logs for any problems. Luckily i was able to work with some top IT guys on this project and it all went remarkably well.

You can of course still claim your VK0EK QSL card on our OQRS.



5H1XX QSL Cards Posted

K1024 QSL-5H1XX

After just eight days since we sent the 5H1XX QSL design to the print room I am happy to confirm that 129 letters have been posted this morning. Many thanks to the fast work at ON5UR QSL Print Service.
279 Bureau cards have also been processed and ready for the next dispatch.

Of course you can still request your Direct or Bureau card on our OQRS service

Responsible Bureau QSL’ing
Please do not send us any QSL’s or replies through the bureau this is not required. It will however add extra work and costs. Please use OQRS only. Thank you

5H1XX QSL Cards Posted

5H1XX Posting

After just eight days since we sent the 5H1XX QSL design to the print room i am happy to confirm that 129 letters have been posted this morning. Many thanks to the fast work at ON5UR QSL Print Service.

279 Bureau cards have also been processed and ready for the next dispatch.

VK0EK Recovered QSOs

As promised, once we received the laptops back from Heard Island, we would reconcile all laptops with the master N1MM+ log, and more than 100 QSO’s have been recovered. We hope you were the lucky one – and if you have any questions – please contact our QSL Manager, Tim, M0URX:

We would like to thank Pete, W6OP, and Mike, KJ4Z for their most excellent efforts finding and recovering these QSO’s. The majority were recovered from a failed laptop that did not sync with the N1MM+ Master log.

Recovered QSOs have been uploaded to OQRS

And they have also been uploaded to LoTW as well.