Archive - July 2017

5B/G4MKP Cyprus


Terry 5B/G4MKP will be on air as a holiday station between 20th – 27th September 2017, operating mostly on 40m.

QSL Via M0URX OQRS  Please do not send any Bureau cards, use OQRS. Thank you.

FT8 Mode QSOs

I received a short statement from LoTW about FT8 Mode contacts in regard to the uploading to LoTW: 

“We have been inundated with emails about FT8. We were told that it will be a few weeks before the developers can get LoTW set up to accept FT8.”

So please stand by, LoTW are aware that this work needs to be done before FT8 QSOs can be uploaded to the LoTW databse. Thank you for your patience.
UPDATE 14/08/2017 – All FT8 QSOs have now been uploaded to LoTW

FT8 Mode QSOs

I received a short statement from LoTW about FT8 Mode contacts in regard to the uploading to LoTW: 

We have been inundated with emails about FT8. We were told that it will be a few weeks before the developers can get LoTW set up to accept FT8. 

So please stand by, LoTW are aware that this work needs to be done before FT8 QSOs can be uploaded to the LoTW databse. Thank you for your patience,

VY2/WS5K QSL Preview


The QSL for VY2/WS5K Stan Fraley, Prince Edward Island NA-029, has been designed and will now be printed and ready for distribution very soon. Thank you to Max ON5UR for the QSL design.

K800 QSL-VY2-WS5K-Back