2015 Bureau Policy for M0URX


M0URX United Radiio QSL Service values the bureau system very much and recognises the DX’ers need to use the system to receive QSL cards for stations they work.
2014 has seen the RSGB conducting a Bureau Review in which it looked at the usage of the RSGB Bureau system by QSL managers here in the UK, in which I have been co-operatiing with the RSGB to find a way forward so that you can continue to request QSL cards for Bureau dispatch.
It is important to remember that ALL of my OUTGOING bureau cards are sent to all IARU World bureaus every four months in February, June and October at my expense and NOT Via the RSGB Bureau, so this review took the cost saving to the RSGB in my outgoing bureau expenses into account.
Whilst I can still RECEIVE QSL cards for call signs that are RSGB members or affiliated call signs to the society, I am NOT permitted to receive QSL cards as “QSL Via M0URX” if the call sign is NOT an RSGB member or affiliated call sign.
The only RSGB members that I look after and that do collect incoming QSL cards are: G1VDP, M0URX, OY1OF, PJ4DX.
For ALL other call signs especially ALL DXpeditions you must NOT send me any QSL requests Via Bureau, instead use my OQRS facility here: https://www.m0urx.com/oqrs/
NO DXpediton QSL cards should be sent TO ME Via the bureau system, it is costly and very time consuming to process those QSL requests, for this reason United Radio QSL Bureau will be charged by the RSGB per kg for all QSL cards that are incorrectly sent to me for NON RSGB member call signs.
Use the Online QSL Request System OQRS ONLY please.
No Bureau system is free, and therefore I ask you to respect my new Bureau Policy of OQRS ONLY for NON RSGB member call signs. 
Your local IARU Bureau will receive the Online QSL Requests every four months giving you a very fast service.
Thank you for your attention.


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Tim Beaumont