CQ WPX SSB Contest

Members of the Strumble Head DX and Contest Group will be on the air from their headquarters at the Farm in Wales for a period before during and after the CQ WPX SSB contest. They will be using the club calls MC0SHL before the contest, with some activity on 30M RTTY around 10148.0. During the contest we will be using both MW9W and MC0SHL – depending on the number of operators there may be more calls on air. Please QSL via the clubs manager M0URX. All details and photographs will be on the clubs website http://www.mc0shl.com and we may even have a live webcam for the contest too.

Chris Colclough G1VDP http://www.g1vdp.com

More informationon the Strumblehead DX & Contest Group at:

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Tim Beaumont