Tropo opening for OY Hams


OY4TN Trygvi reports……….. “On October 10th & 11th we had a great tropo opening from the Faroe Islands. It was great fun for me working a lot of ON, PA and DL – also worked a few G stations and a single LA QSO. All together close to 200 QSO on 2M and 70cm.

Other stations active were OY1OF on 2M/P and he did work a lot of PA/ON/DL on 2M FM with a small mobile antenna and 50W.

OY9JD did work some 23cm and 70cm /P
And OY3JE managed to do a few QSO on 23cm from home QTH.Today (16-10) we had JOTA activety from our club station, activating the OY6JAM callsign. It was great fun to work the JOTA together with the scouts, all QSO were made on SSB, but we did demonstrate a bit of digital & SSTV.

Hopfully there will be some new HAM in the near future, because they seems to be quite interested in ham radio.

Vy 73’s Trygvi de OY4TN”

Photo by OY1OF Ólavur                                                        Photo by OY4TN Trygvi                                                 


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Tim Beaumont