The Perseverance DX Group (PDXG) and the United Radio QSL Management Bureau, owned and operated by Tim Beaumont M0URX, have entered into an exclusive relationship for United Radio and its partner M0OXO Online QSL Request Service operated by Charles Wilmott M0OXO to use PDXG’s QSL Management System. Current, future and legacy call signs supported by these firms are included in the agreement.
Initially intended for our own use we decided to make the application available to the DX community supported by the United Radio / M0OXO services. This fully integrated cloud based application allows authorized users around the world access to a host of QSL management functions. By dramatically simplifying and automating the process a QSL manager’s workload and time commitment are significantly reduced.
To DXers the application presents the familiar functions of Log Search and OQRS. Busted Call and Not in Log inquires are handled by an integrated (form) process that greatly reduces the need for e-mails. The application integrates PayPal donor information with logged QSOs to recognize those who supported the DX-pedition for expedited confirmation handling. Address and QSL card label management functions are seamlessly integrated for ease of use.
Under development for 2 years, the application was introduced during the TX3X Chesterfield Islands DX-pedition. Many enhancements were added since TX3X.
To date, Tim has loaded the logs for 140 DX stations, over 2 million QSOs, Charles will soon begin uploading 150 logs. User feedback has been very positive.
Questions may be directed to Pista HA5AO or Gene K5GS at their address.
Following the statement above from PDXG, I would like to thank the PDXG Team for their collaboration in this project. The demands from both the DX activator and the DX chaser have advanced quite significantly in the last 3 years and the need for a new QSL management tool for our QSL work where everything was on the same application and automated was very important to everyone.
Today we go live with the new OQRS, 140 call signs added with over two million QSOs in the database. The main difference form your point of view is that the logs are now online. You can ONLY request a QSL for contacts on the database.
You will see the date and time of the last QSO in the database in the log search facility. If the log has not been uploaded, please be patient and wait. There will be no need to ask when it will be updated, as soon as log updates come in I will upload to the OQRS.
Over 70,000 QSL requests have been processed using our old OQRS since 2011.
Please remember – If you have already requested a Bureau QSL – DO NOT request it again!