OQRS & How to log your QSL Request


OQRS – Online QSL Request System is a relatively recent addition to the tool used by the DXer to request a QSL from the DXpedition. From my experience many of you are not sure how to use OQRS in relation to your QSLing and logging needs.
Firstly it is most important to remember that YOUR QSL card is NOT required for DXpeditions, IOTA’s and some rare DX activity. If you use my OQRS and I need your QSL then I will email you and ask you for your card.

Once you have made your OQRS request you MUST enter into your logbook in the “QSL OUT” field that the QSL card is sent, write “OD 10/02/2012” OD = OQRS DIRECT or “OB 10/02/2012″ OB = OQRS Bureau.

If your log does not allow for OQRS then write in the “REMARKS” field that the QSL card hQSL-9M6XRO-2as been requested and the date. This may all sound like common sense, but as I am receiving sometimes several OQRS, direct letters and Bureau cards for the same single QSO it is quite clear that there needs to be much better log keeping by DXers.
By bombarding me with duplicate QSL requests just slows my work down and delays ALL outgoing mail so I must ask you please to think!

VERY IMPORTANT – If an OQRS is available then NO QSL cards should be sent Via Bureau, only those who have no internet access.

How do I know when my OQRS has been processed?
You can log into my OQRS with your email address and call sign at any time. You will see your QSL requests listed as “OPEN” this means i have opened the request. Once I have then processed your request you will see “PROCESSED” next to the QSO details.
The QSL will be posted direct quickly. Bureau dispatches are sent directly to each world Bureau every 3 months.

QSL-MC0SHL-2Why does it cost more than $2?
When using PayPal for small transactions there is a PayPal charge of 42c that I have to pay for every transaction. This is why my OQRS is set at €2 to cover this charge and that of the envelope and ink. This is still cheaper than your postage costs.

We have a duty to reduce waste that goes through our Bureau system, this will speed up QSL delivery times and reduce costs for the IARU Bureaus.

Don’t Send It – Request It! – Use OQRS


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Tim Beaumont