Bureau Cards Posted

6,100 QSL cards have been posted 24/04/2012 to 77 World Bureaus, weight: 26.kg cost: £214.30 – £8.25 per kg.
This posting includes 1,000 Bureau cards from TN2T DXpedition in January.

If you work at the Bureaus and receive my package please let me know its progress. It is always good to be sure that my Bureau packages are processed quickly. Thank you.

Click title to see full list of Bureaus.

Andorra 2
Argentina 7
Australia 8
Austria 180
Belarus 10
Belgium 155
Bosnia Herzegovenia 2
Brazil 36
Bulgaria 33
Canada 57
Chile 1
China 10
Croatia 94
Cuba 1
Czeck Republic 204
Denmark 13
Estonia 22
Finland 112
France 125
Germany 660
Greece 29
Honk Kong 4
Hungary 59
Iceland 1
India 1
Indonesia 5
Italy 715
Ireland 14
Israel 8
Japan 607
Kazakhstan 9
Latvia 7
Lithuania 31
Luxembourg 2
Macau 1
Macedonia 2
Malaysia 4
Malta 1
Mexico 2
Moldova 4
Netherlands 105
New Caledonia 3
New Zealand 8
Norway 25
Paraguay 1
Poland 394
Portugal 29
Romania 45
Russian Fed 695
Serbia 37
Slovenia 63
Slovakia 50
South Africa 5
South Korea 5
Spain 378
Sweden 26
Switzerland 57
Thailand 10
Turkey 4
Ukraine 460
Uruguay 1
W0 26
W1 44
W2 45
W3 33
W4 43
WW4 19
W5 26
W6 27
W7 35
W8 22
W9 45
WH2 2
WH7 1
Venezuela 28
My thanks to the W9 QSL Sub Bureau Team, just 3 weeks after the QSL cards were posted I have a report from K9EL that his TN2T QSL card arrived on May 11th. Great work guys. Thank you.

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Tim Beaumont