LoTW Uploads

Just recently I have seen an influx of emails complaining about the fact that I have not uploaded logs to LoTW
Can I make this perfectly clear! When a log update arrives here, it is uploaded to LoTW immediately. For DXpedition logs, please check the DXpedition website for the LoTW upload policy.
Please always use OQRS where you will see the “Last QSO date and time”. Wait until log has been updated! Then OQRS uploads to LoTW.
The emails are nearly all from people using third party software to download their LoTW matches usually QRZ log, Club Log or other logging software.  The first place you should check if you find a missing match is to log directly into your LoTW account and check if the QSO is matched, here you can also check if YOU have forgotten to upload the QSO yourself. Nearly all of these issues can be fixed at your end without the need to email me to tell me that I have not done this or that.
The most common cause of a QSO not being matched is by presenting an incorrect UTC time that falls outside the permitted tolerance of LoTW. An example of this
mismatch which happens in SSB CW and FT modes under low signal paths where the DX logs you at 16:50z but you incorrectly logged when you started calling at 16:15z instead of the time you actually worked the DX. 
If I have made an error then please drop me a line and I will sort these matters out quickly. Thank you for your understanding.

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Tim Beaumont