5U9AMO Pierre QRV in November


Pierre, 5U9AMO will be QRV from Niger between 15th November to 25th November 2019
CQWW CW contest + CW activity before and after.

“In the 2013 and 2018 QTH i had problems with high noise level on low bands. This year i will have another QTH with more space for the antennas. I will try to install a 90 meters BOG and a pennant antenna. Unfortunately there is not enough land for a beverage.”
– Yaesu FT-991 transceiver (100 watts output).
– 13.8 volts DC 23 Ampers power supply.
– Spiderbeam 404-UL multiband antenna (10m to 40m).
– Inverted ‘L’ with 9:1 UnUn for 30m, 60m, 80m and 160m.
– 2 Spiderbeam 12 meters telescopic fiber masts.
– 1 Spiderbeam radial connection box.
– 2 x 25m Messi & Paoloni Hyperflex 5 coaxial cable.
– Win-Test logging software.

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Tim Beaumont