Author - Tim Beaumont

CY2ZT/2 QSL Design


Max has the first draft of the CY2ZT/2 QSL Design. I hope you like it?

United Radio Bureau will manage the QSL cards for the SES station CY2ZT/2 150th Anniversary of British Columbia.Steve Toupin, VE2TKH will be active throughout October & November.

RSGB HF Convention this weekend!


It is the RSGB HF Convention this weekend! 11th & 12th of October. With an excellent programme scheduled such as:

VP6DX Ducie Island Expedition, Eric Scace K3NA
Jan Mayen by Sail, Michael Wells G7VJR
V8 Brunei Darussalam, Ron Stuy PA3EWP

and so much more. I will be heading to Wyboston Lakes Conference Centre for the whole weekend arriving early on Saturday morning with a few car loads of Amateurs, so we are sure of a great social weekend. I will have my CDXC Badge on with my callsign M0URX, if you see me say hello!
I have been in touch with the RSGB Bureau and i am due to be picking up at the HFC, a parcel of QSL cards for M3SDE, M0URX and Via M5AAV as well as Bureau cards for teh G4D’s and G4R’s that I am Sub Bureau Manager for. More news on that early next week when i report back.

I will not be able to reply to emails this weekend so please be patient I will reply to QSL requests and enquiries on my return.

CX2CC Uruguay on 15m & UR DX Team Activity


CX2CC Uruguay on 15m                                   Photo – CX2CC Cristian
Great to see 15m open this evening (Sunday) after a busy day i finally turned the radio on at 18:00z. Tuning through 15m i found CX2CC Christian calling CQ on 21.270 MHz one call and in the log. Thanks Christian a new band slot for me on 15m woohoooo….
This weekend was the RSGB 21 & 28 MHz contest, complete washout here, conditions very bad.

9M6XRO John was acive in contest but reports a power failure problem with his Yaesu FT-1000, John goes on to say “Even with the low output it is enough to drive the Quadra to around 250-300 watts. All the functions are otherwise OK, just a loss of output power. I will open the rig up during the coming week. I also worked Chris G1VDP, as well as some other UK stations on 40m SSB in the contest.

There has been no activity from Trygvi OY4TN for a couple of weeks now as he has been working in Chile and promises to be back home in the Faroe Islands soon.

As I type today’s report i hear CY2ZT/2 from Quebec City on 14.197. Thanks for the QSO Steve, nice to meet you on the air for the first time.

I hope you find my website helpful? You are welcome to drop me an email using the Contact M0URX page in the Main Menu. Any comments good or bad appreciated.

A25/DL7DF Botswana worked on 12m


A25/DL7DF Botswana worked on 12m
Frustrating isn’t it when you see on the cluster “5/9+ worked first call”?
Well believe me this one was a tough one to work for me, small yagi minibeam and 200w. The team were in and out of my noise floor for about 2 hours today. So thank you guys for a new band slot on 12m!  
For more information on this expedition: 

CY2ZT/2 150th Anniversary of British Columbia.


United Radio Bureau will manage the QSL cards for the SES station CY2ZT/2 150th Anniversary of British Columbia.Steve Toupin, VE2TKH will be active throughout October & November.

I will let Steve tell you more about it….


“2008 marks a very special anniversary in British Columbia: 150 years of cultural diversity, community strength and widespread achievement since the founding of the Crown Colony of British Columbia in 1858. 

On November 19, 1858, the new colony’s governor, Sir James Douglas, read the official proclamation that cemented one of the most significant events in B.C.’s history. Arguably, if it hadn’t been for that moment, Canada may not have extended from coast to coast and B.C. might not be the strong, vibrant, united province that it is today. ca-bc

There are many things to celebrate. From the contributions of Aboriginal peoples, to the stories of the pioneers who followed the gold rush and set down roots here, this is a time to honour the diversity and widespread achievements of the people who built this province, while also setting our sights on all of the opportunities that the future holds. As a proud Canadian ham and with great souvenirs from my trip to BC back in 2001, I decided to join the celebrations with that unique S.E.S. callsign. 73 de Steve.”

9M6DXX Steve


9M6DXX Steve “On Air”
After some very poor conditions Steve was workable from the UK this afternoon but only a 5/3 signal from my small antenna! Good to hear the signal coming through Steve!

Online DIRECT QSL Request Via Paypal:

Online DIRECT QSL Request Via Paypal: I have been asked if i accept this method of QSLing!
Yes i can do this too! Fill out the form on “Contact M0URX” with QSO details and i will email you my Paypal account to transfer the $2.5
QSL= US$3 or Euro’s 2
Please remember i have to pay for envelopes and ink in the printer! Also you have no postage costs sending to me!
So i think this is a good way.

ZS6DXB is awarded trip to Willis Island


ZS6DXB is awarded trip to Willis Island!       
Congratulations to ZS6DXB, Rhynhardt Louw has been invited as one of two young hams to go on DX’pedition to Willis Island  with the team of VK9DWX.
To help Rhynhardt pay his expenses travelling to Cairns Australia the United Radio QSL Bureau have been in touch with Rhyn and we are donating £50 towards costs.
Enjoy the experience of DX’peditioning Ryhn!   


CQ CQ 20m

The SFI may be rooted at 66 but despite this, 20m was quite lively this weekend. Several stations worked from Western Canada VE6AO, VE6FI, VE7CC and Mid West USA. S21RC came up from nowhere for a very quick QSO to Bangladesh and great to hear Andy 3DA0TM in Swaziland.
TU/DB1DT worked on 14.337, trying to get through the DL call book was a hard job!