Keeping you updated…….

Just an update after a very busy time. While TX7T Marquesas DXpedition is over and the team members are making their way home I thought i would just give you an update as to where we are.

OQRS is open for all TX7T QSL requests. LoTW is being uploaded for all Direct QSL requests several times a day automatically, you do not need to send me emails. Our OQRS does the work not me!

Busted or Missing from the log? What you need to do is use the “Not in log?” button. Please use the facility provided it makes life easier for me and for you. Emails will not be responded to if you have not used the tools supplied on OQRS. I do have some sections of the log that show incorrect band and mode, so i cannot upload to LoTW the full log until this has been corrected.

FT8 / 4 logs have been as expected causing us some problems again with WSJT not logging about 1 out of 10 QSOs completed with “RR73” Again…. Please DO NOT email me, USE the “Not In Log?” button. Your inquiry will be sent to my work queue for manually checking. I have all FoxQSO and all.txt files from WSJT. I just need your patience while this is done. I have once again taken some serious abuse from DX’ers which is NOT acceptable, although these people that abuse are in the minority they simply have no understanding of the complexity of the problems that DXpeditions face with this matter. The teams are feeding back to WSJT their findings and it is a software still in development and DXpeditions testing the software is an all important feature of that development. FT8 /4 IS a game changer for DXpeditions particularly in low sunspot cycle.

Please understand the dropped contacts are not caused by the team or the QSL manager.

H40TT  Temotu – Rob and Grant are on their way home as i type this update. There was no cellphone signal to transmit logs from the Island> They have arrived at Brisbane airport where they were able to send me the final log. This has been uploaded to OQRS.
Log issues must be recorded on “Not In Log?” Button and NOT sent by email. Thank you

5U9AMO Niger– QSL cards were posted out on Thursday 28th for all direct QSLs received up to date.

When using OQRS please can i remind you that you MUST enter all QSO details correctly BEFORE you press proceed to PayPal, some of you are using Back Page on the browser whilst requesting QSL Please do not do this! You have to complete the OQRS correctly.

Please stand by for further updates soon.

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Tim Beaumont