Lost your Log?


An issue that we are faced with every day is people saying that they have lost QSO details, had a HDD crash or that their dog ate the log.
We are continually challenged about our response.

I consulted ARRL DXCC, LoTW to get some guidance on our responsibilities on this matter and here is their response:

“I spoke to DXCC and Norm Fusaro to see if anything was actually WRITTEN regarding this issue.
Like LoTW, there is not anything written.  It is a matter of Ethics.

The reason for not giving out the QSO information is so that persons cannot claim credit for a QSO that was not actually made.  It is protection of the data and the integrity of the DXCC program.   

This is to keep the QSO information genuine for a prestigious and sought-after award.  

If someone contacts you, and they use LoTW, the data of the QSO is in their LoTW account.  If they need their QSO/QSL log file, it can be obtained from Rick Murphy’s LoTW site at:  http://www.rickmurphy.net/lotwquery.html

If they do not use LoTW, this is another issue.  You are correct in not just giving out the QSO information if they ask without providing any information themselves.”

The answer is quite simple. Back up your ADIF log. Also, set up accounts with Club Log & LoTW, upload your logs regularly and then you will always have a record and backed up data of your log. Our policy is in line with the ethics of the DXCC Award Program and we will not give out QSO data, there is no excuse for losing your data. Back it up! We ask that you do not ask us for QSO data as we are not in a position to give the data to you.

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Tim Beaumont