MM0NDX/P St Kilda Archipelago – July 24 to 27, 2009


MM0NDX/P Col  will use GM5A during the IOTA contest.  MM0NDX/P outside the contest.
St Kilda is a much needed IOTA counter for many. Particularly Japan. It is nearly four years since the last activation.

Due to its very challenging location, the main island of Hirta (where I will be based) has an extremely difficult take-off to the North, North West and East. Infact, generally any direction!

Restrictions mean only an antenna at maximum height 30ft (10m) may be used.  A yagi type antenna is most definitely not allowed nowadays. [bird impact – there are over a million seabirds on St Kilda !].

A 1000ft sea cliff towering over Village Bay certainly won’t help matters! I shall try my best for all areas.

St Kilda Archipelago has been claimed by 35.9% IOTA participants.

  • QTH locator: IO75RT
  • Islands of Scotland Award (IOSA) OL02
  • WAB: NF19
  • SCOTIA: D123
    World Flora and Fauna Reference St. Kilda (National Nature Reserve) Ref. No GMFF-061.

Please note, I’m the sole radio operator in a group of five. Won’t be on 24/7, but will try my best!
MM0NDX/P QSL Via M0URX Log will be uploaded to my logsearch after the activity.
Col has built a website especially for this activity you can see more information at:
MM0NDX/P QSL is sponsored by United Radio QSL Bureau.

Unfortunately this expedition by Col was cancelled due to rough seas around St Kilda. Two weeks later the captain of the vessel has informed Col, that he has still not been able to get near St Kilda at any time since the proposed activity.

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Tim Beaumont