MS0OXE 2015 Activity Planned

All flights have been booked and QTH confirmed. 9th September to 16th September.

The team will take three flights and transfers to get to our QTH and should arrive by 1600z on the 9th September if all goes to plan. so, we should be QRV on the 9th early evening time. we will be QRV until PM on the 15th September weather permitting. we may have to QRT early if the weather turns bad.

Due to mains power limitations on the island we will QRT each night at 2300z and QRV each day at 0700z. we have looked at taking or hiring a generator. but in the end it was going to be a lot of trouble to get one on the island or courier one to the island.

As mentioned above, we have scheduled a band plan to suit. we will be QRV on 10 through to 40 meters only. MODES- CW, SSB and RTTY. we plan to have 2 stations on the air throughout each day from 0700 to 2300.

ANTENNAS. we have decided on using vertical mono band dipoles for each band as we have salt water very close to the antennas, less than 10meters, according to google earth.

We will upload to club log each day and LOTW on return home.

QSL’s will be handled by Tim, M0URX OQRS Direct & OQRS. Bureau OQRS ONLY a new QSL will be designed for this dxped.

Most of all, we will have fun doing it.. look forward to working you. 73 MS0OXE.

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Tim Beaumont