MS0OXE Island of Tiree EU-008

beach on isle of tiree

“So where shall we go this year for the DXpedition?”
“What about Tiree?”
“Good idea, but where is Tiree?”

And so the team from the “Black Country DX and Contest Group” find themselves out and about setting up station this year on the Scottish Isle of Tiree. From Thursday 13th September until Monday 17th September MS0OXE will be on air 24/7 and will continue on to Thursday 20th as bands dictate.

The team will be QRV on 160-10m, SSB, CW and RTTY. The team wants to give every operator the chance to work Tiree and additionally for their IOTA marathon scores.


More information can be found at:

1 x Elecraft K3 (CW)
1 X Yaesu FT1000MP (RTTY)
1 x Yaesu FT897 (spare)
1 x Yaesu FT1000MP (SSB)

2 X ACOM 1000 400W (1 spare)
1 X SPE 1K 400W

2 X HEX BEAMS 20m – 6m at about 40ft.
1/4 wave verticle 30m
1/4 wave verticle 40m
1/4 wave verticle 80m
1/2 wave dipole 160m

Band pass filters, array solutions six pack and coax stub filters to allow multi op/multi band operation.

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Tim Beaumont