TX5S OQRS Update

Just a few notes to help the TX5S QSL work go a little smoother.
OQRS is here:  TX5S OQRS
92 Qs 40m CW Qs on the 28th. JUST BEEN UPLOADED to OQRS

FT8 missing Qs cannot be tracked until i have the TXT files from the team. For those of you that have filed tickets for missing FT8’s please be patient. Completed.

Busted or Missing calls use the NOT IN LOG button on OQRS – NOT by email.

VERY IMPORTANT LoTW – If you requested LoTW and do not see your Qs. the first thing to do is check that you uploaded your Qs from YOUR log to LoTW.

I suggest using TQSL as this is a secure uploading platform to LoTW. 
Just because your log does it automatically every QSO is no guarantee that it does!
ONLY email me for LoTW if your Qs have been uploaded and you think our upload failed. 
LoTW is being uploaded every 12 hours. WAIT! 
TX5S QSL Policy is here: Please do not email me just read the policy. Thanks 
Lost your QSO details? Didn’t log the QSO? I can’t help you It really is time to BACK UP YOUR LOGS.
I am aware that a few OQRS Requests partly failed. They have been fixed. If this happens, then email me and these take priority.
Please remember i also have a full time job and spamming my email will just get you blocked. Thank you for your patience.
Kindest Regards, Tim Beaumont MØURX

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Tim Beaumont