VP8PJ QSL Update

– We are approaching 6,000 requests for QSL cards, Direct and Bureau.

731  Not in Log requests have been investigated and answered. For a DX-pedition with 83,500 QSOs and 20,500 unique call signs in the log this is a very small number, it indicates the DX-pedition team’s attention to logging accuracy.

– LoTW processing is up to date. All donor LoTW records were uploaded. Current OQRS LoTW uploads are processed daily.

– The VP8PJ QSL cards are being designed by the team. VP8PJ OQRS OPEN

Due to the Covid-19 situation I have been asked to report to work 7 days per week, for a 10 hour shift. I will continue to process QSL confirmations and research issues as time allows, please be patient.

For those who have not yet reported a Not in Log problem, please use the form on OQRS QSO entry page. Responding to individual e-mails is time consuming and non productive. Please do not send screenshots unless requested, and never send your log files, spreadsheets or screenshots of your log, they are of no use to researching a problem.

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Tim Beaumont