August Update

K800 QSL-ZB2TTRobert ZB2TT reports that he is back in Gibraltar and has updated me with a missing 6m log from May. This is now on OQRS and LoTW. Monday’s are always a big day for log uploads here and just this morning i have updated log files for 5B4AHL, PJ4DX, PJ4EL, PJ4EVA, PJ4NX, VK100AF & VK8NSB.
We are now in the last few weeks activity for VK100AF which has produced over 20,000 Qs with almost 50 operators from around Australia from all States and Territories. Double QSL is available on OQRS.

5Z4VJ Andy, has updated me with a couple of logs from July, uploaded to OQRS this morning. Andy is in the UK for a couple of weeks and returns to Kenya later in August.

I have received many emails in recent weeks with inquiries and requesting help, I cannot stress this enough, if you email me, please introduce yourself and use the words please and thank you. I can assure you that it will help your inquiry get a satisfactory solution. Otherwise my delete key gets used. If you have a “Missing / Not in log” Inquiry then in the first instance… CHECK the “Last QSO in Log” on the OQRS log search. If the log is up to date then use the “NOT IN LOG” form. Emails should NOT be sent for this. Please use the form. Your inquiry will be sent to my work queue.
If you are not able to use OQRS and want to send your QSL by post then please always check the QSL Policy for that call sign either on my website or Insufficient funds will be sent Via Bureau and that includes UK hams too!

Our team continues every month to work to improve and introduce new tools and functions on OQRS for everyone, DX’ers, DXpeditions, Team leaders, satellite operations and QSL Manager functionality. So thank you to our OQRS software guys!

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Tim Beaumont