Category - Bureau Posting News

Brazil Bureau Mail Unclaimed?

Brazil QSL Bureau parcel that we sent last year to the new PY address has been returned endorsed “UNCLAIMED” 

I would like to express my gratitude to LABRE for solving this matter very quickly this week. Today i received the following letter from LABRE:

“Dear Tim Beaumont,
LABRE comes by means of this, to clarify some problems faced by you in sending cards QSL for Brazil.
In March 2014, LABRE transferred the management and treatment of cards coming from abroad to the São Paulo branch, and in that time, the national administration did not inspect or as the
work was being done. In 2020, there was a change in the entire Board of Directors, and we opted for the return of QSL’s management to Brasília, at the address that is currently on the IARU website
Regarding the emails sent by you, we do not know the reason for the non-response because they did not arrive to us, we ask for your understanding and request that you use the email [email protected] to deal with
any matter with LABRE.
We emphasize that there was also a failure of communication between the Brazilian postal service and LABRE, as we did not receive reports that there were packages awaiting payment of taxes for the
completion of submission.
We are also surprised by this occurrence, as we have received several cards from other countries usually. In view of these occurrences, we have adopted the procedure of consulting weekly for
possible remittance from abroad, and with that we hope to eliminate the problems caused.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused and here we reinforce our longing for receive the cards that unfortunately returned.”

I would like to express my gratitude to LABRE for solving this matter very quickly this week.
I have updated my website blog and added the letter very kindly sent to me by you today.
As far as i am concerned the matter is now resolved, any further loss of mail will be reported directly to you in future.
Regarding the emails, there were many email, and i got the email addresses from the LABRE Website which were obviously incorrect and have now been removed from the LABRE website. So maybe the website was not up to date? I also confirmed the email address with IARU which also gave me the wrong email address for LABRE. Again this matter is now resolved. I will be posting this parcel again to you for your members using “Printed Media Business Mail”
Some of the parcels i had sent to you in 2019 and 2020 that got returned were returned because of the new worldwide Pre Advice Delivery Data that is requested by Customs, Duane. Personal Correspondents such as QSL cards are EXEMPT from these new regulations, but Brazil Duane / Customs do not recognize the parcels as Personal Correspondents and return the parcels to sender. This was what the contents of my previous emails to ask for help from LABRE to allow these QSL parcels through customs / duane. So that was just for your information to help you understand why some of your parcels are required to pay TAX, this is because of the new worldwide Pre Advice Data for parcels, but there should be no TAX to pay on personal correspondents like QSL cards.
Once again, thank you for your co-operation and help. Please stay safe in these difficult covid times.

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Incoming Bureau December 2020

1,100 Incoming Bureau cards arrived from the RSGB Bureau on December 24th 2020.

I am still having difficulty in getting this message to DL, JA, F and EA radio amateurs, that you must NOT send cards through the bureau for DXpeditions, SES or Contest Qs, or for ANY call sign that is not an RSGB member. Instead you must use OQRS as explained in the QSL policy for all DXpeditions.
Also, another problem coming from these countries is that they are then sending a second QSL through bureau to say “TNX QSL” You must not do this. Please use OQRS and correctly mark your log as QSL SENT so that you DO NOT send a QSL to DXpeditions. They are NOT needed, and cause extra costs and slows down the bureau system.
Worse are those that use OQRS, but then send a Bureau QSL and then send another Bureau QSL every month until they send a Direct QSL because the Bureau card still has not arrived. Bureau will take up to 3 years. Please understand this! As many JAs & DLs send one QSL per QSO this can lead to up 60 follow up QSL’s being received here for each DX call from 1 station.
Please USE OQRS! Thank you

Bureau Posting September 2020

QSL cards have been posted to 85 World Bureaus – Tuesday September 1st, 2020
This mailing is a joint mailing between M0OXO Charles & M0URX Tim. (Thanks Chris G1VDP)
I would very much appreciate feedback from you when the QSL cards start arriving at World Bureaus or received by hams around the world? 
This mailing had been delayed due to Covid-19 restrictions. The cost of air freight for this mailing is considerably higher due to the lack of air freight capacity at this time.
The parcels are sent by Priority Business Mail to get to the Bureaus quickly.
Total amount of QSL cards dispatched: 25,891
Via M0URX 6,521,  Via M0OXO 18,462, Via MD0CCE 597, Via G4IRN 149, Via G4ZIB 162
Total Weight 90,253g (gross weight includes packaging)
Total Shipping Cost £623 – £6.90 per kg.
Average postage cost 2.4p per QSL card.
S5 Slovenia Parcel received by Milos S54G – S5 incoming QSL MNGR. 09/09/2020
LZ Bulgaria Parcel received 10/09/2020
YU Serbia received 12/09/2020
Russia received 15/09/2020
ARRL Area 9  – Cards reported being delivered 18/09/2020
HS Thailand received 20/09/2020
Brazil – Box returned 20/03/2021 “UNCLAIMED” No route to Brazil Bureau.
This Bureau mailing was sponsored by the call signs listed below.
Thank you everyone.

If anyone wishes to make a donation to the costs of bureau shipments, you can do when you request a QSL and use the donation facility on OQRS.


Bureau Posting November 2019

QSL cards have been posted to 87 World Bureaus – Monday 11th November 2019
This mailing is a joint mailing between M0OXO Charles, M0URX Tim & M0SDV Jamie.
I would very much appreciate feedback from you when the QSL cards start arriving at World Bureaus or received by hams around the world? This feedback will be added to our data below.
This mailing features cards from the recent expeditions,
The parcels are sent by Priority Business Mail to get to the Bureaus quickly.
Total amount of QSL cards dispatched: 23,541
Via M0URX 8,239
Via M0OXO 12,500
Via M0SDV 1,472
Via MD0CCE 941
Via G4IRN 200
Via G4ZIB 189

Total Weight 83,783g (gross weight includes packaging)

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Bureau Posting March 2019

QSL cards have been posted to 88 World Bureaus – Saturday 2nd March 2019
This mailing is a joint mailing between M0OXO Charles, M0URX Tim & M0SDV Jamie.
I would very much appreciate feedback from you when the QSL cards start arriving at World Bureaus or received by hams around the world? This feedback will be added to our data below.
This mailing features cards from the recent expeditions,
The parcels are sent by Priority Business Mail to get to the Bureaus quickly.
Total amount of QSL cards dispatched: 15,763
Via M0URX 4,290
Via M0OXO 8,374
Via M0SDV 2,507
Via MD0CCE 206
Via G4IRN 257
Via G4ZIB 129

Total Weight 64,713 (gross weight includes packaging)
Total Cost £333.89 £5.16 per kg (Net weight excludes packaging)

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Outgoing July Bureau Mailing

QSL cards have been posted to 84 World Bureaus – Monday 16th July 2018

This mailing is a joint mailing between M0OXO Charles, M0URX Tim & M0SDV Jamie.

I would very much appreciate feedback from you when the QSL cards start arriving at World Bureaus or received by hams around the world? This feedback will be added to our data below.

This mailing features cards from the recent expeditions, 5B80FOC, 6O6O, EJ1D, VU4G, ZC4A,
The parcels are sent by Priority Business Mail to get to the Bureaus quickly.

Total amount of QSL cards dispatched: 19,303
Via M0URX 4,784
Via M0OXO 9,632
Via M0SDV 806
Via MD0CCE 471
Via 9M2CNC / G4ZFE 1,435
Via G4IRN 1,015
Via LZ1JZ 1,066
Via G4ZIB 94

Total Weight 71,610g (gross weight includes packaging)

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Bureau Posting February 10th 2018

QSL cards have been posted to 86 World Bureaus – Saturday 10th February 2018

This mailing is a joint mailing between M0OXO Charles, M0URX Tim & M0SDV Jamie.

I would very much appreciate feedback from you when the QSL cards start arriving at World Bureaus or received by hams around the world? This feedback will be added to our data below.

This mailing features cards from the recent expeditions, VE3RZ/VP9, PZ5V, 4S7AYG, V47FWX, MU/ON4ANN also YOTA month of December and GB17YOTA. The parcels are sent by Priority Business Mail to get to the Bureaus quickly.

Total amount of QSL cards 20,274
Via M0URX 4,403
Via M0OXO 12,499
Via M0SDV 2,537
Via MD0CCE 61
Via G0RPA 463
Via G4IRN 52
Via YO6DDF 259

Total Weight 77.747g (gross weight includes packaging)

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Bureau Posting September 2017

QSL cards have been posted 75 World Bureaus  – Saturday 23rd September 2017

This mailing is a joint mailing between M0OXO Charles, M0URX Tim & M0SDV Jamie

I would very much appreciate feedback from you when the QSL cards start arriving at World Bureaus or received by hams around the world? This feedback will be added to our data below.

This mailing features cards from the recent expeditions. The parcels are sent by Priority Business Mail to get to the Bureaus quickly. 

Total amount of QSL cards 12,067
Via M0URX 2,948
Via M0OXO 7,406
Via M0SDV 1,300
Via MD0CCE 313
Via G4IRN 100

Total Weight  45,225 g (gross weight includes packaging)

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