Desecheo Island K5D


My strategy for Desecheo has paid off so far. I have a long weekend and decided to set the alarm for 3am to try on 40m this morning. K5D was on 7.175 listening 185 – 195 for Europe and Asia and the pile up quite fierce, as you would expect. At 4am they took a 5 minute break and then when they came back on the pile up seemed to thin out. I was logged at 4:15am! DXCC number 273 Worked. I called on 7.1925 MHz and I also heard M1WDK in a few minutes before me.

At this point they do not realise that not all Europe can TX above 7100.0. I am only using a 40m wire loop from gutter to fence. So NO big gun station here! More like a water pistol.
Now Monday 16th! 1100z K5D started in the last hour on 20m .. pointless trying to follow the last QSO frequency always S20 so I looked for a gap using 2nd VFO 14.209.5 S meter was only S7 so I called and he got me first time!!!!! Wooohooo 20m in the bag…. Sitting on 17m now awaiting a signal on there.

Good luck everyone!
For the website go to: They need sponsors too! Very expensive expedition.
vk9dwxI also received the VK9DWX QSL card today from the 2008 Willis Island DXpedition. More information at their website 

DXCC number 267 Confirmed! Still a long way to go but enjoying the chase.

RSGB QSL Sub Bureau QSL cards

G4Dxx 900 cards ready to send 14/02/09
G4Rxx 450 cards ready to send 14/02/09
M0URX managed calls 600 cards will be replied to soon.

G4Dxx and G4Rxx i have over 1,000 QSL cards unclaimed awaiting envelopes.

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Tim Beaumont