Author - Tim Beaumont

H40WA Coming Soon….

The Intrepid-DX Group is pleased to announce that all of our plans to activate H40WA Temotu Province are going well.

Due to changes in flight schedules, we are announcing our operational dates will be from February 22nd, 2024 and we will complete our operations on March 7th 2024.

We have assembled a team of eight operators to make a fifteen-day activation of this entity. Temotu Province ranks #45 on Clublog’s most wanted DXCC list.

Team members include: Rob N7QT, Paul N6PSE, Scott NE9U, Jay K4ZLE, Jay AC7DC, Bruce K3NQ, Don N6JRL and David AH6HY. We will make a significant effort on the low bands during this activation. We will use 1500 watts on the 80/160 meter bands. We will use CW/SSB and FT8 Fox/Hound modes. We are not using MSHV.

IOTA OC-065 – Grid RH39vg – CQ Zone 32 – ITU Zone 51

H44WA QSLs Posted

2,600 letters posted this morning 31st January 2024. H44WA QSL cards will soon be with you.


TX5S OQRS Update

Just a few notes to help the TX5S QSL work go a little smoother.
OQRS is here:  TX5S OQRS
92 Qs 40m CW Qs on the 28th. JUST BEEN UPLOADED to OQRS

FT8 missing Qs cannot be tracked until i have the TXT files from the team. For those of you that have filed tickets for missing FT8’s please be patient. Completed.

Busted or Missing calls use the NOT IN LOG button on OQRS – NOT by email.

VERY IMPORTANT LoTW – If you requested LoTW and do not see your Qs. the first thing to do is check that you uploaded your Qs from YOUR log to LoTW.

I suggest using TQSL as this is a secure uploading platform to LoTW. 
Just because your log does it automatically every QSO is no guarantee that it does!
ONLY email me for LoTW if your Qs have been uploaded and you think our upload failed. 
LoTW is being uploaded every 12 hours. WAIT! 
TX5S QSL Policy is here: Please do not email me just read the policy. Thanks 
Lost your QSO details? Didn’t log the QSO? I can’t help you It really is time to BACK UP YOUR LOGS.
I am aware that a few OQRS Requests partly failed. They have been fixed. If this happens, then email me and these take priority.
Please remember i also have a full time job and spamming my email will just get you blocked. Thank you for your patience.
Kindest Regards, Tim Beaumont MØURX

TX5S Departure Plan

Our departure windows are governed by the tides and weather forecast.
We can’t move people between the ship/shore at night, so we’re limited in options.
We’re estimating numerous shore – ship – shore runs to clear the island of equipment and people.

Based on today’s WX forecast the plan is:
All local dates:
– Saturday, Jan 27th begin tear down, and removal of all non-essential equipment and HF antennas. There may be some low band operation this night
— Sunday, Jan 28th removal all DXpedition equipment and people from the island
– Monday, Jan 29th remove any remaining equipment and depart for San Diego

Expect 7 – 8-day journey to San Diego

The pileups were fun, we know many ATNOs were logged, and certainly more band fills.
We hope you had fun chasing us.  73,  GS K5GS for the team

TX5S 22nd January

As anyone who has been on an expedition to an uninhabited Pacific Island knows, things change in an instant and you need to be flexible. The weather continues to be our challenge so we redesigned the campsite on the fly to a smaller footprint. We have one operating tent with 5 radio positions, 1 satellite tent, 1 combined HQ / science tent and 8 sleeping tents.

Second to the weather, the next major challenge is the reef that circles the island. Getting over the reef requires a boat that can sustain hull / bottom damage if (when) it hits the reef, and it will strike the reef. The winds are typically 15 – 20 knots, the photos you see of the surf are what we’re seeing 24 hours a day.

With the revised footprint we are removing non-essential equipment from the island before the actual departure date, which was planned for about Jan 30th. The journey to the island took an extra day so we need to consider that on the return trip. The skipper will establish the actual departure day, he’s closely monitoring the weather situation.

Today the 80m and 60m, antennas were installed. We’ll spend a couple of days on 80 then re-provision it for 160. We do have a dedicated 160m antenna but believe it’s too windy to install. We made some contacts on 6m and will be on 6 EME at our moon rise today.
Everyone is in good spirits, a few minor scraps and scratches, but nothing requiring more than a band aid.

As you probably know, to date, the bands have been smoking hot. At this writing over 30,500 QSOs with a 2.2% dupe rate. The pileups are constant and “energetic. We do appreciate it when we ask the pileup to QRX and allow the operator to work a particular caller. We’re meeting our objective, we’re told a lot of ATNOs are being claimed.

It remains very hot and humid during the day, with some moderation at night.  Cheers, GS K5GS for the TX5S Team

TX5S 21st January

Hello from Clipperton where it is already hot and humid, 91f (32.7c)
We are on the air with over 11,800 QSOs since last night.
The log was uploaded to Clublog and to There were some discrepancies between Live Stream when we first came up, we had a software glitch that was resolved. I am still working on the satellite log, hope to have it uploaded soon.

We still have additional setup to do, low band antennas, and the big amps. It’s difficult to work in the blazing hot sun, so we go slow to avoid heat related medical problems.

Please, do not send emails to our personal email addresses, to the DXpedition address, or directly to the PayPal email address. Also, many are sending us log screenshots, spreadsheets, and other files.we are not using logging, so please do not send requests.

We are not making log corrections while on the island. All Busted Calls and Not in Log issues will be resolved by submitting the form on the M0URX Bespoke OQRS application. Received emails with attached files are being deleted without opening. Use the account to contact us, the pilots will summarize your comments and send to us.
The ride over to the island from the boat was uneventful, unlike the jet boat rides from the Braveheart.  Cheers, GS K5GS for the TX5S team

TX5S 20th January

We know many of you are anxiously waiting for us to come up more bands / modes.Here are the facts:–    At the moment, the WX is not good for landing more people / equipment on the island.–    The boat is rocking and rolling, a few team mates are feeling the effects of the motion.–    We had to stop sending over equipment when the seas became too dangerous.–    Yesterday one of the supply boats was swamped at the reef and a food resupply was lost. Also lost were some support equipment (not radio).–    The team on the island has the main operating tent and 6 sleeping tents installed, they have food, water and petrol. They have 4 monoband VDAs installed.–    Unfortunately, not all the RF kits made it over yet, life support kits were the priority.–    Live Stream will be activated when we get more than the minimal equipment to the island.–    We’ll upload the logs to Club Log and to M0URX sometime today.–    We’re monitoring DX Summit and see the  pirate spots and the usual comments / rumors.–    We are using WSJT-X in F/H mode – call above 1000hz We will update you as conditions change.

Today’s TX5S Plan:
– The wind has moderated some, not perfect yet, but better, we’re currently at slack tide.
– However, we’re still taking some heavy rolls.
– As the tide comes in, we will again try to put people on the island at a slightly different location, short walk to the campsite.
– We’re reassessing the campsite plan.
– We’ll then prioritize which equipment cases will go over and transfer equipment till sundown.
– Assuming similar conditions tomorrow, more equipment will go over when the tide comes in.
– Just like propagation, we are at the mercy of nature.
– Other than some seasickness, there have been no injuries during the boat ride. 73, GS K5GS for the TX5S team


TX5S Update 19th January

This morning’s plan is to bring over the remaining equipment, primarily radios, antennas, additional tents, etc. This should begin in 1 hour (7AM), there’s a lot of work yet to be done.
There will be no additional updates until we’re all on the island and the campsite setup is completed.
73, GS K5GS

TX5S Update 17th January.

Good morning from Shogun.
The fair winds and following seas were yesterday’s news, today we’re bouncing around and rolling along. We finished breakfast a short time ago,  and while some team members are in the lounge, others decided to ride out the weather in their bunk with 2,800 QSOs in the log the /MM station was dismantled and packed away.

Landing on the island will be dependent on the weather and access through the reef. The skipper said he will put two skiffs in the water. First over will be several radio team members and boat crew. They’ll bring over emergency food / water and shelter, then determine best campsite consistent with access.  

We will arrive Clipperton early Thursday morning.
The boat crew will begin bringing our equipment out of the holds early in the morning. The skipper will take a trip around the island looking for known openings in the reef. Initially, three team members will go to the island and, based on where we land, select the camp location.
Two team members will stay on the boat to direct the transfer of equipment, first over: emergency food, drinking water, shelters, one small generator, petrol, tools, etc. followed by all other equipment.

As equipment goes over, one or two additional team members will take the ride over. The weather will dictate how many people can (will) go over on the first day.
Once we begin this process, we may not be able to send updates until the island Starlink terminals are deployed, or possibly some people may remain on the boat Thursday night.  That’s it for now. Cheers, K5GS

TX5S Update 16th January

Nothing significant to report. The seas are still relatively calm, the boat is stable, with some minimal rolling, WX is perfect. The team is in excellent spirits.The N6WM/MM log has just over 2,200 QSOs. The log will be uploaded to after the DXpedition. If you’re unsure of a contact work us again. However, there is no plan to do any additional 6M operation from the boat.As a reminder, the pilots will be monitoring our account. Please feel free to subscribe to the group and provide input, or read what others are reporting.  The pilots will not have access to the logs.Subscribe: Clipperton-2024+subscribe@groups.ioWhile on the island or in transit we will not accept requests for “log checks” or to investigate busted calls. Busted call and Not in Log requests will be investigated by Tim M0URX. To request assistance you must use the form on Tim’s Bespoke OQRS application.And please, unless otherwise directed, do not send us e-mails that contain screenshots, spreadsheets, logs, pictures, or any other files, they will be deleted without opening. With Starlink Internet on the boat the team is in contact with family, friends and is aware of world news. Cheers, GS K5GS

A couple of questions:
1) What are the dxpeditioners doing to keep occupied during the many hours on the trip out?
2) I read that three scientists are on board. What are they planning to study once on the island?

On this project we have Starlink available to do emails and read the news.
The operators bring along books to read, laptops with videos, and the ship has a big screen TV with an HDMI port /cable we can use.
There’s a lot of chatter about the island, the setup and day to day operations. Tonight we’re having a meeting with the skipper: arrival / offload plan.

We have one professor from the University of French Polynesia and one from the University of Orleans. They will study the condition and relationship of the island’s rat and crab populations, and other topics of their interest. Various governments are looking for ways to remove non native plants and wildlife, New Zealand leading the world with these types of projects. Their proposed projects were instrumental in the issuance of the landing permit.

We have a retired French Naval officer who represents the Association la Passion-Clipperton, an organization involved with improving and preserving Clipperton Island’s environment. Cheers, GS K5GS